Chp15: Monster

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Next afternoon Randhir was sitting in canteen waiting for joey he got to know that every noon joey comes to canteen after his school...

"I hope joey agrees vaise hai woh chota packet bada dhamaka aise toh manega nhi I doubt" he thought

& suddenly joey entered the canteen all tired with his school bag
Randhir went to him & sat on the chair infront of him..

"Hey buddy wassup" Randhir smiled
Joey lookedup at him & frowned
"You monster what you want??"
"Monster?? my name is Randhir" Randhir clarified

Joey rolled his eyes
"You shouted on my sanny so you are not less than a monster!!!"
Randhir sighed & chipped
"I realised my mistake m sorry for yesterday I need your help plzz I want to apologize to your sanny"

Joey looked at him suspiciously..
"Why you want to apologize now??
no need sanny doesn't need your sorry after what you did yesterday"

"Okk sanny doesn't need my sorry ok??
but your girlfriend also doesn't need sorry?? I mean I behaved so badly with your gf its about her self respect na!!" Randhir manipulated her

Joey made a thinking expression
"Umm..ya right you should apologize"

Randhir smirked as his idea worked
"okk so you will help me right??" he asked

Joey stoodup from his place "okkz i will help you meet me at my room at 5pm" he said & walked out of the canteen

Randhir was happy that finally he will be able to apologize to her..

on other side joey turned back at him
"Monster now juz wait & watch what i'll do" he gave a naughty grin


Thnku ^_^

So what is joey upto?? ;-)


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