Chp12: Get out

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Sanyukta was busy with joey "Sanny see my aunt gave me new colors let's paint" joey chipped happily

"No not now will do it tomorrow baby now I hv to go" she ruffled his hairs

"No now plzzz!!!" he made a puppy face

She signed & started doing painting with him..
both started playing with colors that she forgot abt the time...

"No joey my dress" she frowned as he dropped some color on her dress
"Sorry" he looked down
"Aa its okk I'll juz clean it wait then she looked at her watch & suddenly she remembered she had to go to the practice!!!
half n hour had already passed away n now coz of her dress she would be more late!!!

She quickly ran to the washroom & tried cleaning the color
in which almost 20mins more passed away..

"Fuck! m dead today!!" she frowned
"Sanny I will also come with you no one will scold you" joey said innocently
"No I'll handle bbye baby need to run now" she hugged him & ran from der towards the practice hall...

As soon as she reached der she saw that the half of the practice was already done she gulped & entered the hall

"Dnt move ahead get out" came Randhir's voice
but she didn't moved an inch also
"You can't hear me?? I said get out!!!
I told first only late comers will not be allowed!!!
if you hv a valid reason then tell or out!!!" he shouted on her

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