Chapter one- Thoughts

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The cold night flew softly throughout the window that was cracked open slightly, gumball looked outside at the stars and sighed, his cyan blue hair draping over his red eyes and pale skin.
He felt weird. He felt like something big was going to crash down on him and Darwin at any moment, he didn't know when it was happening and he didn't know what it was.
His fingers danced atop the windowsill in a chaste way, lightly dusting over the white dusted top.
He looked over at his sleeping...friend? Brother? He wasn't really a brother to him. Darwin to gumball was like a cat and a mouse.
It made sense, seeing as Darwin is part fish. The only visible fish attachment on him where his gills on the side of his dark skinned neck.
If you compared family pictures together, you would see that Darwin is very, very different from the other Watersons.
But that was what Gumball liked best about Darwin. He was different.
Gumball heard a loud crash outside of the house, he decided he didn't want to be apart of that so he went to bed, curled up in the sheets.

(Chapter one is done! Well, the prologue is. I wrote this all on my phone! Yay!)

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