Little Yinzi

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The alarm clock startled Bai Luo Yin as he slept.  The thick covers were pulled over his head, like it usually was, because he liked to have the fan on but sometimes it got too cold in the night.  Annoyed by the sound of the alarm clock he tried to ignore it, hoping it would eventually grow silent, but it never did.  He threw the covers from his body and looked at the night stand next to his bed. 

That damn alarm... He thought and reached for his phone, sliding the alarm off.

It was only 6 in the morning.  He didn't usually wake up at this time, and last night he could not sleep.  He tossed and turned the entire night, and now he was tired.  He almost wanted to tell Gu Hai that he no longer wanted to go where ever it was that he planned on taking him, but he knew that he wouldn't settle for that. 

Bai Luo Yin slowly sat up and ran his fingers through his messy, bed hair.  The fan still blew on him and he badly wanted to lay back down and fall back into the abyss of wonderful sleep.  This time, he was no longer cursing the alarm, but he was cursing Gu Hai.

That damn Gu Hai and his need to spend every second with me..

Bai Luo Yin finally forced himself out of the bed, and to the bathroom.  He was so physically exhausted the night before that he didn't even get a chance to take a shower, and now he felt dirty.  He stepped into the shower, now naked with only a towel that hung over his shoulder, and turned the shower on.  Even though Bai Luo Yin had only 3 pairs of underwear, the shower had plenty of hot water and he was always thankful of that. 

After his shower, Bai Luo Yin tied the tower around his waist.  It covered the bottom of his body. He went into his bedroom and got dressed quickly after noticing the time.  It was 6:35 a.m.  Gu Hai was always on time, and he knew that today he especially would be. 

Gu Hai told him to meet at Auntie Zhou's breakfast joint for breakfast before they go onto the mysterious trip.  After he was dressed and brushed his teeth, Bai Luo Yin walked  there.  Gu Hai stood outside with his hands cupped together as he blew into it for warmth.  Bai Luo Yin noticed that Gu Hai didn't see him yet, and he felt a warm feeling in his stomach as he saw Gu Hai peacefully waiting.  Moments later Gu Hai looked over, and saw that Bai Luo Yin was approaching him and a wide smile grew on his face.  When Bai Luo Yin was beside him Gu Hai stretched his arm around his shoulder and pulled him into the restaurant. 

"Good morning Auntie," Gu Hai says when they enter the restaurant.  Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin didnt even need to place an order . Auntie Zhou knows exactly what the two will be eating. 

Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin slide into the restaurant booth, both siting face to face.  There are already two glasses of water on the table and Bai Luo Yin takes a long sip of it.  Gu Hai watches Bai Luo Yin drink the water, and closely pays attention to his lips, wanting to kiss them. Truthfully, Gu Hai always wanted to kiss Bai Luo Yin... To hold Bai Luo Yin... To be inside of Bai Luo Yin.  Even in that moment, as they sat in the restaurant, Gu Hai wanted to ravish his little Yinzi. 

Without the boys being aware, Auntie Zhou appeared in front of the table.  She slid the breakfast sandwiches in front of the two boys.  The restaurant was always busy at that time, and Auntie Zhou had many customers to attend to, so without saying much she returned to her duties. 

Gu Hai grabbed the chop sticks that were placed on the table and removed the ham from his sandwich and placed it in between the two pieces of bread on Bai Luo Yin's plate.  He knew that Bai Luo Yin liked the ham, so he never had an issue with giving up his ham so that Bai Luo Yin could have more. 

"Gu Hai," Bai Luo Yin said.  Gu Hai looked up at Bai Luo Yin who was looking at him with wonder in his eyes," Where are we going, exactly?"

"A place where it'll be just us two.  Where I can fuck you all day long without any interruptions," BLY hissed under his breath.

"Gu Hai!" He shouted quietly," fuck off! That'll never happen, so you should just take me home," Gu Hai chuckles, amused by BLY.  Didn't he know that even if he couldn't have BLY in that way, he wanted him in so many other ways?  He loved BLY and his ever growing love made his desire for him even stronger, but he loved him before anything else. 

"Yinzi, I want to be with you even if I can't have sex with you.  I want to spend every second I can with you.  "

BLY looked away.  He was too embarrassed by what GH was saying to even look him in the eyes.  And he wouldn't admit it, but his words made his heart beat harder in his chest.  He didn't know why but GH was able to make his heart sway uncontrollably and lately, he hasn't been able to ignore it.

"And I want to give you everything I possibly can.  It'll be just you in a place that'll make you say 'Gu Hai, Gu Hai, please fuck me now!' " BLY reached over the table and punched GH in his arm. GH had persistently tried to talk BLY into it, and it embarrassed BLY every time.  But this time, BLY wasn't as embarrassed, he was more so curious where they were going that made GH think BLY would finally give in. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm sorry about the length! I hope that you all can bare with me.. 😋 Also, this chapter is very... Sexual. But I can assure you this little story won't be ALL about sex and Gu Hai making sexual remarks. There will be some though, but mainly bonding between the two!

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