I will carry you . Finding Bai Luo Yin Chp 1

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Gu Hai took his cell phone out of his pocket. It shook in his hand as he desperately attempted to dial his father's cell phone number. The numbers on the screen were impossible to type,  and he often typed the wrong number.

"Let me do it," Bai Luo Yin said and took the cellphone out of Gu Hai's trembling hands. The cellphone screen was wet with rain, making the phone slip and move in his hands, yet Bai Luo Yin used all his effort to keep it from falling to the ground. Gu Hai said the number to Bai Luo Yin, and eventually the cellphone began to dial and Bai Luo Yin handed the phone back to Gu Hai.

The sky was dark and covered in ominous clouds that released violent rain fall. The clothes on both the boys clung to their skin, and their hair stuck to their forehead. They stood on top of a high rise building, waiting for Gu Hai's father to give them word for where to go next.

Suddenly, a loud buzzing exploded within Gu Hai's pocket. He immediately pulled the cellphone out and answered the cellphone, pleased to hear it was his father.

"Go to the library, we will get you from there, and take you to safety." Gu Hai was ordered by his father to go to the library that was several blocks away. From their position on the building, he could see that the streets were still clear. The water was beginning to reach the entire area and it would soon cover the streets on both sides of the building. He imagined that the time they had was very short.

Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin ran through the crowded streets,  ignoring the panic that consumed the strangers amongst them, even themselves. Men and women shouted to one another, carried children above their head, and attempted to find a way to evacuate. Being on land during a typhoon was very dangerous, especially near the ocean. Both boys acknowledged the danger and fear in their hearts, but desperately attempted to hide it. Gu Hai especially masked the fear that caused his bones to tremble in his body. He couldn't allow Bai Luo Yin to understand the danger that they were in, even though Bai Luo Yin was intelligent and understood it without  words needing to be said.

Gu Hai roughly held Bai Luo Yin's hand as their legs ran for blocks. Bodies pushed into theirs, causing Bai Luo Yin to stumble backwards or onto the ground. Gu Hai never noticed how prone to injuries and falling Bai Luo Yin was until his arms were covered in scrapes and bruises.

"Gu Hai,  I can't run anymore, " He said and let go of his Gu Hai's hand. Gu Hai was much more capable of running long distances,  but Bai Luo Yin's body could not endure it. His body felt like anchors and his lungs were fighting for breath," Just leave me here. I will wait. Your father will come to get me."

Gu Hai's face twisted in confusion and panic.

"Who will leave who behind? If we don't go together, we stay together. Come on, I will carry you," Gu Hai lowered himself, and placed his arms under Bai Luo Yin's in an attempt to lift him onto his back.

"Gu Hai! If you carry me, that will just slow you down and we will both drown. Go to your father and I will wait on the roof of this building. Even if it is weeks before I am rescued, I won't allow myself to slow you down." Gu Hai ignored his words and continued to lift him up, but Bai Luo Yin pressed his weight down onto his back so that Gu Hai's legs would become weak.

Bai Luo Yin fell onto the ground and looked up at Gu Hai, with desperation in his eyes and parted his lips to speak, "Gu Hai, go. It is better this way."

Gu Hai looked at him carefully, and wiped away the droplets of tears that slipped down his cheeks.

"Stay here. We will come back soon." Gu Hai pulled Bai Luo Yin into a tight hug and inhaled the sweet comfortable smell of Bai Luo Yin. Bai Luo Yin's body shook in his arms, yet the feeling of Gu Hai's protective embrace calmed his heart. Truthfully Bai Luo Yin worried if Gu Hai would make it, and that hug felt as if it could potentially be his last. But Bai Luo Yin knew Gu Hai to be the person who would fight until his bones withered away to dust.

Gu Hai ran through the streets, exhaling roughly. He was used to running far distances with weights attached to his body, making this task easy for him. He was not afraid about making it to his father in time, but he was afraid he would not make it to Bai Luo Yin in time. He worried Bai Luo Yin would wait for him on the roof top for days. Alone. He wouldn't have any one to make him food or to take care of him. It made him begin to wonder if leaving him was the right idea. The two could have waited together.

When Gu Hai reached the library, he spotted the military truck and quickly ran to it. He could see his father's outline easily, and ran directly to him.

When his father saw, he immediately got out of the truck. His face turned into confusion seconds later,"Where is Bai Luo Yin?" He asked.

"We have to go back. He was too weak to run." Gu Hai quickly followed his father into the truck and wasted no time in directing the truck to the building Bai Luo Yin stayed at.

Before the truck came to a stop, Gu Hai exited the car and began running up the many flights of stairs. There were at least twenty flights of stairs, and his legs were beginning to feel like rocks.  However it would not slow him down.

When Gu Hai reached the door to the rooftop he violently pushed it open and ran out. There were dozens of people on the roof top, watching over the edge at the ground below him. But none were Bai Luo Yin.

He asked several people where be went, but none could recall ever seeing him.
Some how Bai Luo Yin was gone.

"Son, where is he?" Gu Hai turned around in panic and faced his father.

"He is not here. We need to go look on other buildings."

"Son, we must leave the area. If he is on the roof top, we will send someone back to look for him. But we will all be stuck here if we don't evucate now." Gu Hai stopped and looked his father in the eyes, examining the expression. He went as far as trying to look into his soul to find an understanding of why he would so easily leave him behind.

"Leave him behind? I won't fucking leave him behind! We have to find him now. "

His father shook his head and grabbed his arm, causing Gu Hai to snatch it away in disgust," We have to go now."

"No, I'm not leaving him behind. If you can leave one person behind you will be leaving two. I'm not getting in that truck if he isn't beside him."


Okay, this is the ending of three days with Bai Luo Yin.

You can also read my new Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai full length fanfiction titled "I do, but I don't" and I will also make a continuation of the typhoon. I may post the chapters under this story but to separate it as two stories I may have to create another  one.

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