Taking Him Home

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First off, I just wanna say how very, very grateful I am for all of my readers:) The encouraging comments you guys leave on not only this story but on all 3 of my works is very appreciated and I very much enjoy reading them:) I really enjoy writing fan fiction and you guys make it that much better, so here's another chapter sweets :):)

So a word of warning in this chapter, Marcel is going to seem like this is all non-consensual, but even though the boys are a bit...Forceful...Marcel is just nervous, he does consent to everything...if anything it may be a little dub-con. Also warning for mentions of Self Harm. Our boys are adorable:)

The boys walked out of the building to a waiting van. Paul got out, opening the door for them, raising an eyebrow when he saw Marcel, curled up in Harry's arms.

"Do I even want to know?" Paul sighed, wondering how he was going to explain this to management. Niall grinned and patted the older man's shoulder.

"Don't worry about it mate, he's gonna be with us for quite awhile...I expect that you will give management a damn good excuse" Niall winked and climbed into the van. Harry then stepped foward and slid Marcel in. As soon as Harry let go of him, Marcel tried to climb back out, holding his arms in front of him managing to Knock Harry out of the way, he almost got away before Zayn and Liam grabbed his arms. Zayn leaned down, all patience gone and got all in Marcel's face.

"When we get home you are getting the spanking of a fucking lifetime, now, I suggest you turn your arse around and apologize to your daddy, or your riding home with no pants." Zayn took Marcel by the shoulders and faced him to a pissed Harry. Marcel's face scrunched up as he started crying again.

"I'm sorry..." He sobbed out quietly. Zayn landed a swat so hard that Marcel's body jerked foward.

"Your sorry, to who?" Zayn snarled out.

"Daddy! I'm sorry daddy!" Harry face softened as he bent down slightly picking up the slightly shorter boy and lifting him into the van. Knowing that Zayn and Liam wers the strict ones, he buckled Marcel into a middle seat and let Liam and Zayn climb in on either side of him. Niall frowned watching from the front seat rear view mirror that Liam and Zayn both had their bodies angled away from the obviously miserable boy. Niall cleared his throat and watched as Zayn looked up at him.

"Come on mate" Niall jerked his head at Marcel who had taken off his glasses and was frantically trying to wipe them clean. Zayn softened and leaned over to unbuckle the boy's seatbelt and pulled the distraught lad into his lap. He took his glasses and mumbled quietly.

"What's with all those sad drops honey boy?" Zayn knew that he was partially the cause of those tears but he still felt bad, with how much Marcel was crying. It must have woeked because Marcel shifted to slowly wrap his arms around Zayn's neck and hug. Zayn smiled and wrapped the crying boy in up in his arms, squeezing him tight.

"Wanna go home" Marcel whined. Zayn smiled softly as kissed his soft curls.

"You are going home baby, home is where we can take care of you" Marcel buried his In Zayn's neck.

They asked Paul to make a discreet stop at the convienent store. Throwing on hoodies, the boys got out of the van and gave strict instructions to Paul to keep Marcel in the van. They quickly made an expensive run and then stuffed all the bags, out of Marcel's sight.

When they arrived home the boys nodded as Liam picked Marcel up, carrying him into their shared flat and up the stairs. Liam laid a now quiet Marcel on the bed and leaned over him, hands on either side of his body, peering into the boy's glasses covered green eyes.

"How you doing prince" Marcel nodded a rubbed his large emerald eyes underneath his glasses. Liam cooed, overcome with Marcel's cuteness and reached for the edge of his sweatervest. The taller boy pulled that over his head and then worked to unbutton the long sleeved white shirt.

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