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I am so grateful for it because while I might be pretty good at writing I suck major monkey balls at designing covers. So this gorgeous one was designed for me by the lovely Est1992 who also has separate book dedicated to making covers. So if any of you beautiful readers are interested in a cover for your stories, make sure to look up Est1992 !!!!!

Marcel was dying inside.

This was the third week of One Direction's collab with Adrian Lymstom. Marcel was beginning to crumble. The more they hung out with the gorgeous tan hunk, the more they trusted him with Marcel. The more they left Marcel with Adrian the weaker in mind he got. Adrian was breaking him down with the insults, the smacks he landed when no on was looking. Marcel was falling and the boys were beginning to notice.

Early in the morning, normally Marcel would move around and whine so that he could get his daddies attention but for the past couple of weeks, he would stay 'asleep' pretending, so that the boys would leave him alone. Today however, Zayn went in his room early in the morning, quietly so that Marcel wouldn't notice him and sure enough, Marcel was laying in bed, still and not moving but his now cold green eyes gazed up at the ceiling sadly. Zayn walked in then, Marcel, sensing someone else was coming into the room, quickly closed his eyes.

"You're not fooling anybody honey, come talk to baba for a little bit." Zayn lifted out a solemn looking Marcel, placing him on his hip and covering the back of his curly head. Gently laying his baby down on the changing table, the bradford boy changed Marcel's still dry diaper, sighing softly, and taped a new one up. All the while Marcel was staring up at the ceiling looking forlorn and still. Zayn pulled out a puppy onsie with a hood and dressed Marcel in it, pulling the hood over his head. Picking the curly haired boy up again, Zayn took him out to the back porch and sat him on the railing. For a while Zayn simply stared at Marcel's face the little one simply looking down, eyes not meeting his daddy's.

"What's been going on for the past couple of weeks honeybear? Me and your daddies have been noticing that you're being're not eating properly, you aren't using your nappy, you're not talking to us...what's going on?" Zayn's arms held Marcel on the railing and one came up to move his head up.

Lately, they had been noticing Marcel's eyes beginning to take on a red tint. He'd been crying they knew but they had no idea how much. Marcel looked up and gazed at Zayn.

"M'fine." Marcel's words slightly slurred as he spoke. The mornings taking a large toll on Marcel and all of his emotions, were what the boys chalked it up too.

"Are you sure? Is your tummy hurting?" Marcel shook his head. Zayn opened his mouth to say something when Harry came tumbling out of the house, bed head, bleary eyes and all.

"Zayn, we gotta go into the studio again they need a couple more sound checks." Zayn looked up and then back at Marcel who was mumbling quietly and swaying himself.

"Babe...maybe...we should stay home with the baby...I think something is wrong..." Harry walked over and kissed Marcel's nose.

"I know we haven't been able to spend the time that we need to spend with him due to all the recording that we have had to do for this next album, but once we get it done, we won't be leaving your side okay my sweet boy?" Harry spoke as slow as he always does (and was made fun of for) but though Marcel was looking at him, he didn't seem to register his words, only barely nodding and giving off a distracted smile. Harry looked strangely at him, while Zayn was slightly suspicious, but the worry was cut off when a frazzled Liam came busting through the door.

"Adrian said he could watch little man for us, come on we gotta go, Simon is gonna have all of us by our throat!" Harry kissed Marcel again, running off still in his pjs and bed head to the waiting Escalade, right as Adrian got out of it, smiling widely. Niall and Liam following after him. Zayn picked Marcel up again and walked off the porch waiting for Adrian. Louis came out and stood next to Zayn, eyeing Marcel in the process.

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