The Play Date

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Joyous laughter and happy sounds could be heard throughout the house.

Marcel and Michael had gotten along quite well after the intial tearful greeting, they both adjusted easily and happily went about there way, playing with Michael's different toys and discussing who was better, Batman or SpiderMan. The seven daddies behind them chatted easily and bonded well over the subjects of their little ones and many different other topics. There conversations stretched from many different topics and everyone was fairly easy going. The seven men were so immersed in their conversations that they failed to see that Michael and Marcel were no longer in the room. Bryan noticed first, his laughter dying down before everyone else's at some joke Louis had just finished telling. 

"Ummm...Louis, that joke about your underwear somehow ending up on Zayn's head in the middle of the night was awfully comical...but...where are our boys?" Six other men's headed snapped down to look at the now empty blanket in front of them. Everything was still and quiet for a moment before all seven men lept into action.

"Baby? Mikey Bear, where are you sweetheart??" Brinston yelled out, immediatley making his way upstairs.

"Michael, you know we don't like you running off!" Bryan ran after his boyfriend.

"Marcel Styles-Payne-Horan-Malik-Tomlinson, get your ass out here!" Louis yelled. 

After searching the entire house for ten minutes, the men were ready to give up and call the police before they heard a quiet giggle.

"Wait guys, shut the hell up!" Niall said, shushing everyone before listening quietly. Everyone listened for the giggles again before making their way down to the basement and innto the guest bedroom. Following the tiny noises, they led them into the bathroom and in front of the large closet doors. Zayn smirked and pulled open the door, a scolding was on the tip of his lips before all words, and anything else running through his head disappeared. 

Marcel set in Michael's arms, their lips attached to each other before they pulled away giggling.

"Michael! What are you doing baby??" Bryan laughed shaking his head while Brinston had a relieved smile on his face.

"I kissed Marcy because I thought that he was pretty!" Bryan and Brinston chuckled, but Harry, Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Louis were dead silent. Bryan laughed and picked Michael up while Marcel turned to his daddies, a large, playful smile on his face. The smile however died when he observed the looks on his daddies' faces. None of them were angry, but there were blank expressions and Marcel didn't really know what to think of it. The boys seemed to come out of there trances when Brinston and Bryan left the room, a smiley Michael with them. Each of them slowly made their way to the door. Liam being the last one casted an uninterested look over his shoulder before motioning to Marcel:

"Let's go baby" Before following the rest of the boys out. Marcel sat puzzled for a moment, his head space slightly breaking before crawling his way back out and to the main floor of the house. Upon arriving back in the living room, Brinston and Bryan were abit puzzled to see Marcel walking in by himself without the aid of any of the boys but they quickly dismissed it. Marcel's break in headspace was quickly forgotten as Michael pulled him back into a riveting game of cops and robbers.

Liam, Harry, Louis, Zayn and Niall were quieter than before and if the two other men noticed, they didn't comment on it. During Michael and Marcel's game of Cope and robbers, everytime Marcel, who was playing the robber, would get caught by Michael, the blond haired boy would always kiss his cheek. This went on for a cycle of about four times before Harry stood up abruptly and cleared his throat.

"Boys...can I speak to you for a moment." The other four got up with curt nods to the two men sitting on the opposite couch before following Harry out. Marcel watched the five of them go with a slight forlorn look on his face before Michael pulled him back into the game. 

Brinston sat with a slightly worried look on his face before sharing a glance with Bryan. There was loud talking coming from the room the boys were in, followed by a few sniffles. The five boys filed out of the room, Harry hiding his face and Zayn following in the same manner. Without another word they made their way out the door. Liam paused to acknowledge Brinston and Bryan.

"Would you two mind watching Marcel for a few hours?...We need some...things done." The two men nodded wordlessly and watched as Liam made his way out the door, the car engine starting and screeching away. Marcel's eyes followed the door upon hearing Liam's words. He crawled over to Brinston and Bryan and sat at there feet.

"Where daddies go wif' out me?" The two men shared a pained look. They knew something was up, and they knew that it had something to do with the kiss Michael and Marcel shared, they just didn't know what. Letting Marcel know that his daddies were upset and it potentially had something to do with him would be detrimental. So, Bryan reached down and picked the curly haired boy up and cradled him to his chest.

"How about you, me, Bryan and Michael go have some strawberry shortcake huh sweetheart?" Marcel nodded quietly his eyes cast down as Brinston and Bryan shared worried glances.

So, I felt like this story needed some drama since its been SO LONG SINCE I UPDATED! Comments and Votes make me update and you guys have done JUST THAT! Thank you my loves for the comments, votes and well wishes for the stories, It means so much to me!! Next update will be soon because I'm almost on SPRING BREAK! So, that being said, I will have much more time to update. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think of the drama so far!!!

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