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I CHANGED THEIR NAMES. I'm not good with names, sorry if that has confused any of you beauties!!!

Yes, Niall and Harry have the same names, but I will let you know who Marcel is speaking to...if anyone else has any ideas, feel free to ask!

THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER! For all my comers from Archive Of Our Own, the NEW CHAPTER WILL BE UP WITHIN THE WEEK! This is new and NOT ON ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN!
The long awaited chapter!!!

Love you guys!

Adrian fell dead to the floor.

Alot of things happened within the next few minutes.

Marcel fell to the floor in a heap. No tears left his eyes, but he had a dazed blank look on his face. It was almost like he had frozen, his eyes locked on Adrian's lifeless body, laying on the ground in front of him. The entire room was silent. Louis, Harry Liam, Zayn and Niall stood there with blank looks on their faces still staring at the gruesome scene that lay before them.

After the intial shock wore off, there was movement and bustling going on all around the six boys. Adrian's body was stuffed into a black body bag while the boys were led out to a waiting SUV. Jose gave them an encouraging look before shutting the door himself and giving specific directions to the driver to take them back to the motel, notifying that there would be two cars full of gang members that would watch over them. The boys entered in the same haze that they had been in when Adrian went down. None of them were saying anything, even Marcel sat in his own seat and was quiet, his face never changing from the expression he had when Adrian died. The SUV pulled up to the motel room and the boys got out one by one entering the suite and shutting the door behind them. Marcel stood into the mirror, staring at his reflection.

The boys stopped moving about the room and stared at Marcel...who hadn't moved since looking at his reflection. Zayn stepped toward Marcel first, making the first move.

"Baby? You okay?" All five of the boys watched as Marcel's face began to fall. His headspace was literally falling over his face, crumbling and transforming him from a grown man to a sad distressed baby. Marcel's head moved up and locked eyes with Zayn's in the mirror.

"Baba?" Zayn launched into action as soon as the word left Marcel's mouth. He snatched him up off the floor and held him close to his chest, wanting to find a way to tear himself open and stuff Marcel inside to protect him. Marcel clutched Zayn's shirt trying to get even closer to him and began sobbing. However, the sobs were short like that of an adult, these were adult cries.

"Zayn, babe, we have to get him into headspace!" Louis said frantically over Marcel's crying. Niall's head snapped up and he ran out of the room to where the boys's suitcases and belongings were held. He picked up Geronimo, Marcel's over sized stuffie and ran back into the room with it. Niall sat the huge bear down and looked at the boys knowingly. Zayn nodded and set Marcel down against the large stuffed bear.

"Look baby, Look who wants you to stop crying!" Zayn rubbed Marcel's heaving back. Marcel cracked an eye open and then launched forward to squeeze the bear, burying his face into the purple furry neck. The boys sat around the baby, trying to gauge when Marcel's headspace was starting to take over. They set there with hearts lurching until Marcel's cries begin to change. He had started out crying short choppy cries, cries from a grown man. His green eyes popped open as he looked at his bear and then at each one of his daddies. Then Marcel's cries morphed into long, agonizing cries. The cries from a tiny baby who was in pain, who needed his daddies. Harry heard the change first and scooped Marcel into his arms.

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