Chapter 1: They Said It Could Never Happen, But It Did

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*Andy's POV*

They always said something like this could never happen in a million of years. That the world would never end like this. That there would be so many deaths, so many lost ones. So much evil that can kill you and the people you love. I tried to put this aside forever, even I was starting to believe something like this could never happen. But we were wrong, we were so fucking wrong.

I was looking out of the windows of the place me and others were hiding in. Talk about being in a group with a lot of mix band members. I'm happy that I still had the guys with me, but I couldn't say much for my friends. They lost a lot of people to what happen out there in the world. We were all just living our normal lives and this shit hit us faster then we could react. It's been years since it happen really, years of running, years of fighting. Years of looking for medicine, food, water and places to hide and relax. When I say years, I mean this been going on for 2 years, all of the world had gone to the monsters that taken over. Humans were out number and the dead were the ones to out number us.

"Andy, we should really go out for a run right now. We need to look for food and medicine." I looked up at my friend Will Francis, he was one of my good friends and I was happy that we found him before it was too late, just like some others that are here with us.

"I know that, but they seem to be coming around here more then normal. It might be best to move away from here, go to another part of LA or something. Maybe one of the other cities." I watched at the zombies walked around, I swear some of them could be really smart. The moved fast too if you didn't keep quiet.

"Andy, you know everyone will stand with you. We all are here because of you, and your fast thinking. Moving might be good, but where the hell do we go? There isn't anywhere to be safe. We will run into the undead no matter where we go." Will walked up aside of me and just looked outside the window. "Damn, they are getting closer to home. I'll see if everyone is ready to move out. We need to get the hell out of here, fuck the running for things we need." He walked off and I could heear him calling out to everyone to pack and leave. It's a good thing we had a school bus that worked.

I headed out to the bus and getting it ready for everyone to get the hell out of here. We had to put bars on the windows, just to have them open and keep out anything we didn't want on the bus. See even the animals were fucked up too. They weren't undead, just mean. They attacked if you got too close to them. It's like this world scared them so much they didn't trust a soul anymore. The other day I seen three dogs in a fight. Two of them ganged up on this big one, ripping it apart before turning on each other. Sadly none of the dogs made it out alive, they were all three killed. It was a horrible thing to see but I couldn't look away. I seen friends and love ones, even people I didn't know be ripped apart. It was normal to see this shit.

"Andy!" I looked up to see who called out to me and was pulled into a hug by Juliet. I sighed a bit when she wouldn't keep her voice down. "I been looking for you, why didn't you come back to the room?"

"Just shut up for right now." I looked at her and sighed when I seen her shocked face. "I'm sorry Juliet, it's just we need to keep it down right now. There is a lot of undead on the other side of the building and we need to make sure that no one gets left behind. So please, help me get everyone out of there." She nodded and went back to the building. I worked on the bus making sure everything was okay. Soon, Ashley, Jinxx, Jake and Chris came out to help me and we made sure this bus was unbreakable.

"Dude, they are coming..." CC pointed out that a few undead were coming this way and I frown.

"Get the others, and like fucking get out of here. I'll kill them two..." I walked over pulling out a long blade and swinging it, cutting the heads off of zombies. It wasn't really bad, at first yes, but doing this for two years, it became normal to us who fight. I peeked around the building to see more just walking around in circles before coming to the back. I frown known they could smell us and I moved back to the bus as soon as everyone came out. "Move now, they know we're back here. Be quiet, I don't want the zippers to know we are back here."

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