Chapter 10: Hope Is The Only Thing We Have Left

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*Roku's POV*

I had found out there was a few states that didn't fall victims to this hell, as soon as I said over the radio that I knew who was behind this attack with the zombies, everyone started talking to me. I had to get Cambria, Jess, CC and some other people to help pick up all the calls we were getting. After being full on attacked by the Crazies, we knew there names and what they plan. That safe states didn't like this idea that they were going to attack everyone after they were done with us. I was just sitting up in the main office of the mansion and just thinking a bit. How were we going to do all this? What would stop them? I didn't know what to do but after this was over, my group would be walking away with what was left of the bands. We couldn't stay with them forever, we had to get back to our home. Another thing was Dusty and some of the other kids were trying to get all people that weren't zombies to find guns and weapons to kill all zombies in all the states. If we had their leaders busy, it would give everyone a chance to get rid of them. I was looking over the plans that I made with the safe states, they were going to send in all there good fighters and tons of weapons. We were all going to meet in the one town. We didn't hear much from the enemy so I don't know if they knew what we were up to or if they were just busy with their own thing, their next move on us.

"Come on Roku. We have everything set up, all good fighters and weapons like we were promise to get from the safe zones, they are all here and waiting to find out the plans. We even set up the traps." Dusty was the one talking to me and I knew people would die. We were going up against the people that made this world what it was today.

"Okay, when everyone is ready to move out. I'll make the contact with our enemy. I know Ava would love to hear from me. The guys know they are bait right?" I know it was evil to use them as bait but it seems the crazies wanted them five the most. So we had to make them helpless against them. Meaning taking away all weapons but an hand gun. We could protect them from the shadows though.

"They know what we plan, they aren't happy about it but know that Ava and her brothers would come if they are the ones that we will be giving them. I'm going to take all the fighters and weapons, hide them around the town. Ava and them won't know what hit her." Dusty radio when quiet and I waited for my next move.

"So you're really going to go with the plan of the safe zones, to us my bandmates and me." I looked up to see Andy just looking at me, leaning against the doorway.

"They want you the most, so why not give them you guys, your whole group. It's not like we are sending you out there alone. We will all be out there too just in the shadows. Andy I know you don't like it, but we wouldn't just hand you guys over. I promise we will all be there and we will get rid of them." I just looked away from him and getting things pack up before grabbing the other radio, the one that link us to the evil. "Ava, I have a deal you can't pass down."

For a while Andy and I waited and there was nothing, but soon all silents was stop. "What would that deal be? What can you offer me that would make me even give you the time of day?" She was cocky and I didn't like it.

"The group of band members, 5 guys you all want the most. I know we got them free and out of there but if you promise to leave everyone alone, I'll give you them 5 and more." I looked at Andy and he just walked away. "I don't want them here anymore. I know you are after them, you leave us alone and we will kick them out of the walls. There is a town not too far away, I will have my people drive them out to that town, away from my camp. What do you say? I mean we can even tie their hands together and make them unable to fight." I smirked a bit wondering of she would take the whole bait.

"I want their whole group, but you're offering the 5 main ones we want? What made you want to give them up? You didn't want to before.... Then send out their whole group. We want them all." Ava was picky, I know if I didn't do what she asked though then we would never get this over with.

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