Chapter 8: Plans Are Great Sometimes

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*Jake's POV*

I was sitting in my room when Roku came up to talk to me. It turn out that she wanted to make a move on this plan of her's. We were thinking of one too, was being more careful now that we know that Roku walked around the mansion. If we could, we were going to get rid of Ava and her brothers for good. Even if it came down to giving up one of us. Andy was going to do it but I talked him out of it. They all had something to live for, I know if any of us got caught, it would be best if it was me. The guys just didn't know that plan.

"Jake, are you ready? Everyone is down stair already. I would like to get this done and over with." Roku smiled, it was a week later and the plan we had was to go to the hospital and the one store, we were going to break into groups. Me, Jinxx, Jess and Ashley, then the other group being June, Andy, Cambria and CC. We thought it would be better this way.

"I'm coming, I just needed to get ready. Don't worry give me a few minutes, I'll be down." I smiled and got off the bed. It sucked not having Ella anymore but we really couldn't do anything. The other states were giving bad news about us and they attack without known the truth. It was just fucking bullshit, I hope they all die. I got up and followed Roku to the living room where everyone was getting ready. I could tell this was a big run.

"Okay, so what I was thinking is taking the buses. One we can fill every inch of it. The other one we will keep for the hospital. Now the question is which group is going where?" Roku looked around at us all, we were in our groups already. I could see that Dusty kid looking at us. He seem annoyed that she wasn't listening to him and that it was dangerous for her to go with us.

"I think it's best if I take these three with to the hospital with me. More man power and they can move the stuff we wanted before but couldn't move." Jess smiled and I guess me, Jinxx and Ashley would be put to work on this one.

"That's good, we will got to the stores then. Come on, you guys get the bus with the beds in." Roku walked off and I seen Andy driving but Roku and Cambria were close by to let him know where to go. CC just made sure everything was packed that they need. They pulled out of the drive way and left. Jess walked to the bus we were getting and told Ashley where to go. Jinxx and I sat in seat next to the one behind the driver, Jess sat in the other one leaning over Ashley to show him where to go.

We were on the road fast and I just looked around, there was nothing around this part, not undead, not zippers, nothing. It was just road and open space. I just looked around and we pulled up to this huge building, sadly it looked as if it was going to fall down because its been years since this was us by any people.

"Did you know that NE was the first state to fall when the outbreak happen?" Jess walked off the bus after we pulled up to the doors. "We found videos from stores, hospitals, everything to see what happen to this place. That mansion we live in is a summer home, someone only live there for the summer and then they left it sit. There was so much food and everything, though when you have tons of poeple to feed, that food goes fast." She lead us into the hospital, guns up and making sure that it was loaded.

"So you're saying that you only seen zombies here, nothing else?" Ashley just looked at her weird.

"Yeah, really we didn't see any of that until we got to the towns. We came from PA and we just decided that we would drive until we found no one around." She walked into this room that had all kind of shit in. It seem she know where she was going and knew where everything was.

After we were done moving everything out of this hopsital. With a bus, you have a lot of room. We took beds, wheelchairs, medicine, everything that we could use back at the mansion. I was walking around the halls, we wanted to make sure that we had everything and I left this weird feeling, like being watched but someone I didn't want to know was around. I looked around like I seen a ghost. Jinxx just stopped and looked at me. "Jake?"

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