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Taylor's POV
"I don't want you to!" I whined. Grayson looked at me with pity and frowned. "Don't do this to me baby. Please! You are making this harder. I have to go!" He tried. I knew he had to leave. He was going to Kentucky to play against the Wildcats. Ickkkk I hate Kentucky. I sighed defeated and I stared into his eyes. "I'll be back in two days ok? No more than that! I promise." He cooed. I tried to look down but his finger lifted my chin up to look at him. "I need to tell you something that will either make you feel better or worse. I decided to wait until now so that way you could think about it you don't have to tell me immediately, but I don't want you to feel rushed so........" He sighed and looked extremely nervous. I scrunched my eye brows together in confusion. "What is it Gray?" I asked. What is wrong with him? What is he getting ready to tell me? "........Taylor.......I love you." He whispered. It was almost inaudible but just loud enough for me to hear it. I gasped silently. He loves me? How? How could someone like him love someone like me? I don't understand. I was so at a loss for words that I just stood there with my mouth open like an idiot. "......I'm sorry.....I should have waited.....so....." He apologized. He also sounded like he wanted an answer. Oh no!! He wants me to say I love him back! I don't know if I love him though. I have never "loved" anyone before!! "Grayson? Can I have some time to-" he interrupted me. "You can take all the time you need! I'm not rushing you. I don't expect you to say it back. I just wanted to tell you how I felt. I do love you Taylor. In fact I could get used to telling you that everyday. Take your time though. Your mama told me you have never been in love before, so I understand." I jerked my head up. "So that's what you guys were talking about?" I asked lowly. He nodded his head. There was a commotion outside the two doors we were standing beside of. Justise, Tyus, Jahlil, Quinn and the rest of the crew came in and started toward the bus in which they would all be riding in. "Alright Taylor Grayson has got to go help us win a game!" Justise. Said. I smiled partially. "Go. I'll miss you!" I whispered as I went to hug him. He embraced me and I squeezed my eyes shut. "I'm gonna miss you too....you don't have to say it yet, but I love you." I just kinda say there. "Let me think I'm it Gray....I'm kinda new to this feeling." He nodded his head and pulled away from me. "Bye!" He said and began to walk away. "Wait!" I called out. He almost tripped trying to get back to quickly. "Kiss me?" It was confusing how many facial expressions he had in that moment. He was happy, sad, excited, then eager. I didn't understand until later why. He didn't kiss me this time like he does usually. This time he aggressively pulled my face to his and I gasped just before his lips covered mine. He angrily moved his lips in sync with mine. I responded the same way as he did. He wasn't upset he was being explosively passionate. I enjoyed every second. After a few seconds I pulled away. I was so tempted to say that I loved him right there, but I needed to think in it. He pulled me close one more time to kiss my forehead. "Bye Taylor." He hummed. "Bye Grayson." Then he walked into his bus and was off to Kentucky.
"I don't know what to do mama he says he loves me. I think I feel the same way but I don't know I'm not sure. You know that I've never been in love before I don't know what it feels like." I told mama over the phone. "Taylor. One thing that I'm sure of is that he does love you. What you need to do is you need to think about if you have ever felt this way about someone. From the way you told and what I've heard you say you sound like you do love him, but you don't know it yet. There will come a time in the near future where you do realize that you love him." She assured me. "I can't be the one to tell you you love him that has to be you. And I'm not going to be the one that pushes you into it. You are old enough now to make your own decisions. This might just be your first big one." I pondered that for a moment. He loved me, and that made me feel different.....in a good way. What happens if I love him, but I tell him I don't because I'm so confused? My feelings are on overload right now? Everyone keeps telling me that when I love someone you'll just "know". How can you just "know" something? This isn't a "gut-feeling" type thing. You have to know for sure. All I know is that I hate being away from him. I hate being apart. I have never felt this way about someone that's for sure, but is it love?

~It's a little shorter than other chapters, but this is what I have! I hope you guys like it. It might be a little frustrating, but it's going somewhere I promise!! ~ Chrysanthemum16

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