All is Lost

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Macy's POV
"Where did she say she was going?" I demanded to know. " She said she was going to find Marshall, Amile, and Jah." Grayson said. "It's been hours guys!!! She hasn't texted me!! She hasn't called and she sure as heck didn't show up!!!" He exclaimed with worry filling in his eyes. Suddenly I felt something. Something odd like a 6th sense type thing. I looked around and noticed two eyes that could only belong to Taylor. I began to say something but the way she looked at me, silenced me. I looked behind her and someone was there. I nodded to her and silently walked away hoping to not draw any attention to myself. I don't really know what the plan is, but my plan is to knock the B**** out. I knew it was Jordan. She wouldn't mess with my best friend and live to tell the story. I burst through the door and as soon as I did I tripped over something. Getting up I realized I had tripped over someone. The security guard was unconscious and in the floor. How could Jordan take down someone like this? I looked him over. "Taylor!! Jordan I swear if you touch her!!!" I heard Grayson yell in a threatening tone. I found the jackpot just then, he had a gun. Thank god for guns!! I snatched it up off of him. I felt weird holding it. I'd never used one before. My dad did when he would hunt, but I was never really interested in that stuff. I walked around the corner and found another door into the gym. I entered as silently as I could.

Grayson's POV
I was freaking out. Where is she?? God I swear if Jordan did anything to her I'll kill her. Macy was here and freaking out as well. We all were. Tyus, Quinn, Jahlil, Matt, Justice, and Amile were here. They were all trying to figure out where she could be. We heard a door behind us loudly open. Taylor was standing there looking beautiful as always, but with a more disheveled look of concern. Then I saw her. Jordan. With her left hand kneaded in Taylor's back. She moved ever so slightly and I could see the metal of the gun. "Taylor!! Jordan I swear if you hurt her!!!" I threatened her. Taylor gave me this odd look. I didn't understand at all. "No Grayson. She has to do this. Besides Jordan Allen does have a nice ring to it doesn't it." She said nodding in a way that was basically saying 'go along with it.'. I understood now. Jordan was crazy in someway shape or form, and my criminal profiling girlfriend figured out what to do. "I'm so glad you can finally see that Taylor! See baby if she can see it, you can too. You know you love me Gray! You just need help seeing it!" She said crazily. "I love you Grayson! I always have! That deal with Carter was just to test your love for me! I thought you knew that! But no you broke up with me! You said some mean things that hurt my feelings a lot! I was doing the same thing with Tyus! Once you saw me with him it filled you with jealousy didn't it?" She asked. I looked over at Taylor and she once again gave me that look. So I decided to completely lie despite what I really wanted to say. "Yes. I admit I did. I've always had feelings for you Jordan. I've never let go." She smiled so big and the crazy in her eyes got bigger. I was feeding into is this helping though? As soon as I asked myself this question Jordan's movements answered it. She had begun slowly lowering the gun from Taylor's back and spoke again. "I knew it! Now we can be together forever right baby?" In that moment I saw Macy slowly appearing behind Taylor with a gun. Where did she get a gun? I shifted my eyes to Taylor who was smiling, then back to Jordan. "I don't think so! You'll be spending forever in Hell!" Macy yelled. Everything happened so fast. Taylor turned around as fast as she could to get away. The horror of what happened next will haunt me for the rest of my life. Two shots were fired and two bodies collapsed. Taylor was on the floor bleeding clutching at her left side writhing in agony. I wanted nothing more than to be able to run over there and pick her up and take her to the hospital, but I couldn't. I turned behind me and Amile was on the floor as well yelping in pain. Matt and Quinn ran over to him. POP POP POP! Another three shots were released into the air and miraculously nobody else got shot. Macy some how managed to get the gun out of Jordan's hands and they both seemed to be empty handed now. The horror of her best friend being shot flashed across Macy's face. This quickly changed from fear into anger. Suddenly Jordan didn't seem so brave as Macy tackled her to the ground. It's like I was watching football. Soon enough Macy had jerked Jordan up off the ground after getting in a few hits. She put her arm around Jordan's neck clearly trying to make her pass out and after a few moments she did. Jordan's body slumped to the floor, and with a loud thump she lay there silently and motionless. Just then my body had moved faster than my mind I ran over to Taylor who was barely holding on, and new immediately what to do. She groaned in pain as I applied pressure to her left side were the bullet had entered her body. "I need a towel!! Somebody call an ambulance!!" All I could do was stare at her. Macy rushed over to us as well and grabbed her hand. "Hey hey hey. It's gonna be ok!! I promise!! Your gonna make it!" She groggily opened her eyes and made eye contact with Macy. "I love you Mac"e"." Macy burst into tears. "Don't talk like that!! You are gonna live!!" She yelled. Taylor slowly moved her head and looked at me directly in the eyes. I didn't know what to do. Her gaze had paralyzed me. I hoped for the best, but the pessimist in me slowly crept up from behind. "I love you so much Gray. Tell.....mama......I love....her and....daddy." She was beginning to have to pause to speak and her words weren't very clear, but I knew what she was saying. I started freaking out. I don't cry usually, but now my vision was blurry with my own tears. "No....please baby don't leave. I love you too. You aren't going anywhere. Please please don't leave me." I felt helpless. I heard sirens in the distance. They weren't getting here fast enough. Taylor shut her eyes and Macy bawled. I have never felt so much pain, and I'm not even the one hurt. Moments had passed and Taylor still lay motionless. We were finally accompanied by the ambulance who pushed us out of the way and got to work on Taylor. Two men headed over to Amile. He seemed to be ok. He was talking to the medic. I chased after Taylor on the gurney. I started to crawl into the ambulance with her, but they pushed me out. "We need to work on her sir, you can't come, her heart isn't beating." He told me seriously but quickly. They slammed the door and as they drove off with the love of my life. I saw them doing compressions while two other men hooked her up to a machine.

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