1:26 AM

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Grayson's POV
If she dies......I don't know what I'll do with myself. I can't see myself moving forward. I can't see life without her, so how could I move on?? Macy rode with me on the way to the hospital and she was half crying and half yelling at me to go faster. "Can this thing not go any faster???" She yelled. "I can only go as fast as the person in front of me!!" I yelled back. This person in front of me really was pissing me off it's like he was purposefully going slow. Macy leaned over and slammed her hand on the horn. HOOONNNKKK. The car in front of quickly moved out of our way. I jerked my car into the entrance of the Duke Regional Hospital. I ran into the emergency room and Macy followed close behind. There were people already in line but I shoved my way through them. "Where is Taylor Johnson??? She just came in here!! She has Brown hair and brown eyes and she is suffering from a gunshot wound to the left side! Where is she?" I demanded to know. The woman behind the desk thankfully hurriedly searched through her papers. Macy began to impatiently tap her foot. Finally she came to one. "You can't go back to see her sir, she is in surgery." She said calmly. "Is she going to live???" Macy bellowed from behind. "I really don't know ma'am. Please if you will just wait in the waiting area and I assure you I will inform you of any new information as soon as I get it." I couldn't think about Taylor even possibly being dead. I had to put my mind on something else. "Ok ok........wait. What about Amile Jefferson?" I asked with shaky breath. I needed to know he was ok if I couldn't know with Taylor. She checked some papers from the same folder. "He came in around the same time she did, but according to his report I can promise he will be fine." I nodded and then looked down. I felt hands on my sides leading me away from the desk. "Come on Grayson let's sit down. Come on." Macy's familiar voice told me. I nodded muttered a "Thank you." And walked into the waiting area towards back. I sat down and put my head in my hands. I started shaking. I was soon in a warm embrace with a pat on my back. "What am I going to do if she doesn't make it Macy?" I asked. We were never close, Macy and I, but now I've never felt closer. She felt some what of the same pain I was feeling only hers was a little bit different. She shook her head. "First of all. Don't talk like that. If there was anything Taylor taught me, it was that in times like this we have to have faith and know that she will be ok.....to be honest......that's the only way I'm going to be able to survive how ever long she is in there." After about 10 minutes the rest of the boys came through the door searching for us. Macy waved them over toward our direction. "Hey Gray......how are they do you know?" I flinched when he called me "Gray." That had only become my nickname because Taylor started calling me that. "I......we......." I couldn't finish my sentence before I shoved my face in my hands trying cover my blotchy tear stained face as I started silently crying again. "Amile will be ok........Taylor..........we don't know about." She said. For a moment she almost lost her cool. "Oh my god." She whispered. "What is it?" Quinn's familiar voice was quick to ask. "We have to tell her mom what's going on." No one said anything. After a few moments of quiet I stood up, and got my phone out. "I'll do it." I said. Macy looked at me and rose up. "No. I need to do it. You aren't exactly in the greatest shape honey. You won't be able to. Especially not to her mom." I was going to object but I decided to sit back down and cover my face again. This was my fault. I should have never let her go out by herself. "Oh please! I'm a big girl! I can handle myself." I hear her say in my head. Macy walked off swiftly and put the phone up to her ear.
Macy's POV
"Hello?" I heard Mrs. Johnson say on the other line. I was almost paralyzed and didn't say anything. "Mrs. Johnson. It's Macy." I said. There was a long pause. "Mrs. Johnson?" I asked questioning if she was still there. Then I heard it. A gut wrenching sob coming from the other side. I almost started crying. "Please tell me she isn't dead. Please please please Oh God please." She was wailing. I begun tearing up and a lump in my throat formed. "We don't know anything yet. She is in surgery right now." I whimpered. There were more cries from the other end and then another shriek of heart breaking sadness which could have only come from her dad. "Was she involved in that shooting on the news? That took place at Duke?" She asked slightly more serious and focused. "Yes." I struggled to answer. "We are on our way. It will take us about 45 minutes to an hour to get there. If anything else comes up call." I sighed. "Yes ma'am." I hung up and slowly walked back over to the boys. Grayson's head hadn't moved from his hands. We sat there for what seemed like forever, and then the doctor came out.
Grayson's POV
I heard the shuffling of feet moving closer to me and knew it was Macy. There was a door that opened in the distance and I just knew to look up. He had a look of defeat and mustered his way over to the lady behind the desk. "The patient that just came in with gun shot wounds......didn't make it. Time of Death: 1:26 AM." I slunk to my knees not realizing I had stood up. Macy was on the ground behind me bawling her eyes out. As a man, I should have been ashamed to cry in front of people, but I didn't care. She was dead, and so was I..........inside.

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