chapter 52 It appears

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Rj's POV
It was after spring break, we all got back to school. I was in class then I got a call from Snyder. He told me to get everyone in my class that were in the survey corps to go to the main wall. We were all getting the cannons ready, loading our guns with bullets. I saw Logan with his maneuver gear, I walk over to him because I felt as if we haven't talked in a long time.

"Wassup Rj," he says.

"Hey bro, what's good?"

"Oh nothing much, just preparing myself for anything."

"So, do you know if there is a chance that Mya and Liam are still together?" I ask.

"Yeah they are, why?"

"Oh no reason just making sure." I say then walk away.

Logan's POV
I suspected rj to still have feelings for mya. After all it was still his first love. I look to Connors direction and him and Brenton are talking. A smile came across my face. Chase was talking to Paris and he abusing her as usual. Then I haven't seen Reiner or Bertolt in a while. It's a bit strange they haven't been around. I see Kay looking sad, before I had the chance to walk over to her, a bright lightning rod had struck down behind me and a giant skinless alien was looking at me. Everyone was in shock looking at the beast as its eyes rose even higher. The size was massive. Carl runs to me and pulls me back. This steam d burst out of the monsters mouth, blowing off everyone thats on the wall. I use my grappling hook to hold on to the wall.

I look to my right and I see rj falling unconscious. "Rj!!!!" I yell. Then mya let's loose her hooks and runs down the wall to save him. She shoots on off he hooks and the metal tip of the hook had gotten his foot.

"Rj don't move okay, you're gonna be okay."

I hear harsh breathing on my right side. I turn my head to see Carl's head looking down at his hands. He draws his swords than heads for the beast. "No Carl wait!"

Carl's POV
I race to the top of the wall. I drew my blades and stared into the beasts eyes. "It's been a while you giant crunch bag! Time for you to die!" I ran towards it and it's large arms had took 24 hours to swat me, because of its mass it's slow so I can get past him pretty good. When he met the wall he took out the cannons, I didn't know that's what it was heading for. The cannons exploded and made a huge whole in the wall. This thing did it on purpose? Is this thing smart. Among all the smoke I see it's skinless hand reach for me. I used my grappling hook to attach it to the monster and I used my jetpacks to push myself to its arm. I run to the back of its neck.

"This is..... For my parents!!!!" I go to slice it then out of no where this steam had burst from its neck. Blowing me away, I try to keep my path of his neck then I wheel myself in and slice it but....... It was gone. My eyes were naked to the sight of the broken abis that was the colossal alien, vanished out if thin air.

"Logan, where'd it go?" I asked.

"Why do you think I know? Come on down, we have a breach." our job now is to..... Their are aliens? How did they get here? Where did they come from? The aliens were walking in through the giant whole. I felt like I was the blame, it was my fault that the aliens had gotten through.

"What's the plan now sir?"

"What are we gonna do?" several soldiers asked Snyder.

"We must stop the aliens from getting to the people. So this swuadrine help the people and the rest stay here and fight!"

"Sir!" we all saluted. I was apart of the people who had to save the civilians. Ethan and Tayvon had came with me.

Logan's POV
Now we had to fight the Titan looking aliens, how could've this happen? All it was that I was about to talk to Kay then bam he was there. What's gonna happen now.

Now that's Colorado was breached what lies await for our heroes. Stay tuned for more.

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