standing tall - khai

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"What makes you think that nigga is back Khai?" Fear was set in Dominique's face as she stared at me.

I didn't want to believe it but I began adding things up. That day I had been applying to jobs and I bumped into the person getting off the subway. It was just happenstance then. I couldn't really say it was him. After tonight, leaving the store and feeling like I was being watched and followed and then the state down on the train, something was going on. Even if it wasn't actually Travis but maybe someone he'd hired to keep a watch on me. I knew I was about to start having some serious problems.

"Well I didn't tell you any of this when I first had an encounter. Remember when I got hired at the new place?" Domo nodded, waiting to hear the rest. "Well I bumped shoulders with someone as I was getting off the subway and it was weird how familiar it all felt but I shook it off and kept it moving. Tonight, we're closing and I'm putting things back and I'm getting the feeling I'm being watched so I'm constantly checking over my shoulder but I see no one. The assistant manager Tawny is saying she'll bring me home but I decline and tell her I'll be fine so I feel normal again for a little while then I get on the subway and I catch this person staring me down, I can't see their face or nothing because the hoodie they're wearing and the people he was shielding himself with but I just knew they were watching me. Domo, if it's not Travis himself, it's someone he has watching me. I just know it." I was never one to bite my nails but tonight has me real shaken up. On my walk home from the subway, I made sure to walk in well lot areas and took a confusing route home hoping that maybe he'd lose me. "I'd be a liar if I said I'm not scared."

"Do something then." I was fighting back the urge to cry and Domo knew it, she rubbed my thigh and kissed my forehead before pulling me into a comforting embrace. "This time around you got me and Odell. We won't let nothing happen to you baby."

"What exactly am I gonna really do when I have no concrete proof that this is Travis' doing? This could be anyone now that I think about it. It could be some creep from the club that's following me. There's nothing I can do and it fucking sucks man!" I slammed my palm into the counter. Frustration taking over and my body shaking out of fear. I had lived my life with no thought of Travis for about a year now. I was regaining that light I'd missed from my life since I met him and somehow the darkness was washing back into my life and I had no clue how I could go about fixing it.

"I'm the first person you told huh?" Domo stroked my head as I cried into her shoulder. I sniffled out a croaky yes. "You should let Odell know. I'm sure he has expensive lawyers that could give you advice on what to do."

Odell was the last person I wanted to tell this to. After him confessing how badly he wanted to be with me, him hearing this would drive him insane. He'd start taking his focus off football and put it into protecting me and I couldn't do that. I'd feel terrible if I did. I just wanted to handle this on my own. Unlike before, I was standing firmly on my own two feet and I was determined Travis, or whoever the fuck this was, wouldn't run me off like a scared puppy.

I wasn't going to say anything to Odell. I was going to be strong. Stand up for myself like I should have done a long time ago. I mentally told myself I would stand tall and firm. Nothing was going to take away the happiness I was experiencing since letting go of Travis and the pain he inflicted on me. Absolutely nothing.

Pretty short chapter, I know. Had a handful of things going on recently and assassin and remember me just wasn't priority at the moment. Pretty vital chapter though, a huge set up for what's to come for Khai so I hope you all enjoy 😘

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