lookout - khai

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"You seem a little shook sweetheart." I looked over my shoulder for the umpteenth time tonight. I'd been working at the new boutique for about a week now. Tonight, I was on the closing shift with Bellamy, the assistant manager. "Is everything okay?"

Bellamy was a gorgeous woman. No older than her mid to late twenties. I looked down at the delicate blouse in my hands I was supposed to be hanging. Instead I was gawking out the window, something felt off. "I'm fine. I just. I have this odd feeling I'm being watched." I locked eyes with Bellamy's dark brown orbs from across the way. They glimmered and twinkled gently. The almond shape to them fit her slender face perfectly. Her dark chocolate complexion seemed to glow even in the dim light of the store and her warm smile comforted me a little. "I'll be okay though. I'm sure I'm just being over imaginative."

"Did you drive tonight?" Bellamy was counting the weeks profit and stuffing it into the bank deposit bag, jotting down numbers on a bank slip. "I gotta go drop off this money to the bank tonight. I could drop you off at home after the bank, if you like." She looked up again for the first time in a few minutes.

"No, my best friend needed my car so I took the subway today." I twiddled with my thumbs and looked out the windows. The security gates had been pulled down and locked, the only one still up was the gate that barred the entrance. I stared across the street, despite my hesitation of taking the subway, I knew Bellamy had two twin babies that wanted to see her before bedtime so I couldn't keep her from them. "It's fine, I can take the train home Bellamy."

I tucked the bottom of my t-shirt into my jeans and walked towards the registers where she was standing. "Are you sure? I really don't mind Khai." I reassured her I'd be fine and helped her finish counting money. After clocking out and stepping outside, she gave me a quick hug and hopped in her car, parked a block up the street.

I waved and began walking the opposite direction towards the subway platform I needed to be on. The moon was peeking through the tall buildings of Manhattan and the busy hustle and bustle was still strong as couples and tourists buzzed around. The feeling came back yet again and I looked over my shoulder once more. Nothing behind me but two high school kids, too busy with their phones to see I was staring them down. I turned around again, speeding up my pace.

There was quite a crowd out being that it wasn't extremely late, just a little after 10. I knew my train would be leaving the platform at 10:26. I let my feet tap hastily down the steps as I entered the subway station. I held my purse close to my body and tugged at the letter of my coat. It felt like someone was breathing down the back of my neck.

I stood with a small group of people, watching an older blind man strum the strings of an old guitar, slightly out of tune. That only made what may very well have been a sweet melody, erie and chilling. The train came hurtling to our section of the platform. I threw a twenty into his guitar case and hopped aboard.

"Please pick up." I beg under my breath as I held my phone to my ear. Dominique was busy at work so I knew she was out today the question to call, instead I called Odell hoping he wasn't out partying or something. The phone rang a few more times before switching over to voicemail.

For the first time all night, I think I may have caught the person staring at me. Their face was hidden and blocked by a crowd of people in front of them, I couldn't really make out how tall they were. I wanted to look away but my eyes were stuck. I couldn't bring myself to look away. Just like I wasn't looking away, neither did they. A whole new set of passengers boarded as other left and I was still having a staring contest with this mysterious person. Creepy was an understatement.

"Look, I'm not about to play with you bitch." I giggle, tossing a random Doritos chip back at Domo's head. "I told you a turned him down."

"Why though? Odell seemed like such a sweetheart after you get past all the misogynistic tendencies he as far fucking these girls he meets and his stupid ass friend."

Dominique must have been talking about uncle grandpa back in Miami. I hadn't been asking her where it had been going so now I was assuming it went left. Domo plopped down onto one of the barstools opposite of me at our breakfast bar. "Speaking of Benius, what happened?"

"First of all, I hate that that was his actual name. I mean I get why he lied, that shit mad fucking corny but Benius? What kinda molly was his mom on when she birthed him?" I spit water out immediately, choking as well in the process. Benius was an ugly, old ass name. Completely fit his old ass face. "But besides that horrifying name, Ben is such a bitch. I swear sometimes I feel like he bleeds out his dick once a month."

"That bad?" I ask sympathetically trying to hide the fact I was cracking up on the inside. "I thought y'all woulda been it."

"No, fuck no. Fuck that short ass nigga and his short ass dick." That was it. I couldn't take it. I fell out on the floor laughing and in tears. Domo just dropped her head and ch useless lowly. "Do you have any clue how disappointed I was when he pulled that lima bean out his motherfuckin' pants? Like bitch, he bragged on that dick like it was the lord's greatest gift to earth when his shit was so tiny even an ant couldn't get off if it tried hard enough." Her tone graduated from upset to agitation. "I need some robust dick Khai. I need a dick that I can ride in the kitchen eating snacks while he laid out in bed."

"Okay no, that's not healthy number one. And number two why you so damn greedy, who gets dicked down and eats at the same time?" I was holding on to the counter for support while I tried recouping from damn near laughing my lungs out.

"I do, you lucky. I be hearing you call Odell daddy and shit." A mischievous glint flashed in her eyes and I knew where she was about to go. "In there screaming 'oh Dell, give me that daddy dick, I want that daddy dick'." Then she started moaning in an obnoxious tone making me blush. "Yeah, you loud mouth. The whole block could probably hear yo' ass honestly."

I could feel my face burning in embarrassment. "I gotta talk to you about something serious though." Domo nodded slowly. "I think Travis is back."

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