(Billdip) Smooth part 1

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(Ah yes, my attempts at trying to write willdip are always hilarious-
BUT this time I can try to write billdip to save my ass-

(Here. Have Bill trying to be smooth and Dipper embarrassing himself.)


Dipper stood by the open fridge, looking inside and hoping to find at least some left overs for himself. All he had so far was a cup of coffee which was currently on the table. As he searched, he didn't hear Bill slip into the kitchen behind him. Moments later, Dipper gave up, sighed, and shut the fridge door shut. He turned around and narrowed his eyes when he saw Bill standing near the table with a grin that meant absolutely no good. The brunette sighed once again and crossed his arms.

"Bill, I have no time for this. I'm hungry and tired, you better not try to drown me like last time-"

"Hey hey hey, that was an accident-" Bill raised his hands up in defense, his grin never fading. "Sheesh kid, I just want to do something nice. I know you're hungry so.... I thought we could get some food together?" Bill asked, raising an eyebrow, his grin only getting bigger.

"I don't trust you." Dipper said, considering the option of looking through the fridge once more.

"Well, Pine Tree, It's just a date. You and me. Like a couple." Bill shrugged as he said this, his grin going to a small smile.

And that is when things went to hell with Bill.

The blond teen leaned against the table, and before Dipper could warn him about how the table was a bit wobbly, the table flipped over and the cup of coffee on the top flew into the air. It all seemed to go in slow motion. The coffee was spilled all over Bill and the cup unfortunately also landed on top of his head.

It was quiet for a solid minute after that.

"Ow. I'm alright. Thanks for asking." Bill muttered sarcastically as the cup slid off his coffee soaked hair. He looked up to see Dipper covering his mouth and shaking with quiet laughter. Bill pouted and shook his head rapidly, making droplets of coffee go everyone. That's when Dipper's laughter increased.

"Totally not funny, Pine Tree."

No answer.

"Pine Treeeee-" Bill whined.

No answer.

"That's it, I'm taking you to get food with me because getting coffe spilled on you while you fall is totally not fair."

Surprisingly Dipper agreed after his fit of laughter.



Bill and Dipper were sprawled on the grass looking up at the shining stars above them. As Bill talked and talked, Dipper just stared at the stars or at Bill. The blonde had taken his hand and held it and hasn't let go of it yet. It was peaceful.

"And that's why I shanked the guy."

"Wait what-"

"I knew you weren't paying attention, Pine Tree." Bill chuckled and grinned.

Dipper rolled his eyes and gave an exaggerated sigh.

"Oh what shall I do to repay you, great lord Cipher?" He said sarcastically as a grin appeared on his face. Bill raised a brow and smirked.

"Are you willing to-"

"I already know what you're going to say so.... No." Dipper could hear Bill whine next to him about how it wasn't fair. He rolled his eyes a
at his immature partner.

"How about-"

"Look Bill, just relax and look hot like you always do."

Bill went silent as Dipper repeated what he said in his head.

Wait wait wait... What in the fuck-

Did he really just fucking do that-


"Oh Pine Tree, I never knew you thought I was hot-"

"It slipped!" Dipper defended himself as he looked away, his face feeling warm. The rest of the night was full of Bill teasing him about his little slip up.

He would never hear the end of this.


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