(Billdip) The thing

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(I don't have the slightest idea of where this one's going. quq We'll all figure it out on the way-)

Dipper kept on reading his book on the couch, trying to ignore the ruckus his boyfriend was currently making. He glanced up, seeing Bill go through his backpack, grunting and muttering Incoherent words. He rolled his eyes and put his book down on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Dipper asked in a irritated tone as he crossed his arms and looked at Bill. Bill looked up for a second before returning to his search through Dipper's backpack.

"I'm trying to find the thing."

"What thing?"

"You know, the thing that plays music? You can also call people on the thingy too-"

"You mean my phone. Phone is the word." Dipper laughed quietly as he said this. It was funny watching Bill struggling to remember things as easy as that. Bill nodded, his blonde hair getting more messy.

"Yeah, that thing. I can't find it in your backpack. I'm getting real tired of it hiding from me, Pine Tree." Bill sounded irritated as he looked through Dipper's backpack again.

"Well, maybe I could help you." Dipper said as he looked at the ceiling. He knew his phone was in his pocket. Why he didn't say anything? It was adorable watching Bill be this clueless and frustrated about something.

"I'm good. I can find it by myself. I am no loser, and I am definitely not going to lose this game of hide and seek against that music playing thing." Bill said as he held his nose high and proud. Dipper snorted as he picked up his book and went back to reading.

"OK. You have fun with that, Bill."

Bill glanced at Dipper, flashing him a grin. He returned to his hunt for Dipper's phone.

3 hours later, Bill was sprawled on the floor, sulking and upset that he couldn't find the damn thing. Dipper was still on the couch, reading his book with a smile on his face.

"Gave up so quickly?"

He only received a grunt for an answer. The brunette laughed and put his book down, still sprawled on the couch.

"Wow, defeated by a phone? Really, Bill?"

Bill glared at him and crossed his arms.

"Let's see you try and find the stupid phone." Bill said as he sat up, looking at Dipper. Dipper couldn't help but grin.

"Oh, no no no. You didn't want my help. Sorry, sweetheart, but I'm just to busy." Dipper held back laughter as he said this and picked up his book again. He could feel Bill's glare. He heard the blonde get up and walk towards him. He looked up at Bill and smiled.

"What is it, Bi-"

"A kiss for information."

"Hmmmm... Why would I want a kiss from you? I can get that anytime. And really? Bill Cipher, wanting information from me? I'm flattered."

Bill pouted and crossed his arms.

"You would want a kiss from me if you loved me enough-" Bill said as he stood up. Dipper panicked for a second, losing his smile, he pulled Bill back down on the couch.

"Wait Bill, I love you-"

"No no no, Pine Tree. It's alright, I see. It's completely fine."

"Bill, hold up-"

Bill was laughing his ass off in his mind. Poor Pine Tree was so easy to manipulate. He frowned as his Pine Tree sat him down on the couch.
Acting was so easy.

"Of course I love you Bill-"

"Oh really?" Bill hummed as he learned on the shorter boy. Dipper squeaked and tried to keep sitting as straight as possible.

"Yeah, yeah definitely-"
And then things escalated so quick that Dipper had no idea what was going on for about 1 minute. Bill already had his arms around Dipper's waist. He also already had his lips on the other boy. Dipper could not process how quick that went but when he finally caught on, he didn't complain at all. He just went along with it, putting his arms around Bill's neck and messing with his hair.

A few minutes passed by, their make out session lasting longer than Bill had planned.
(But who was he kidding? He got the chance to do this to Pine Tree, he took complete advantage of it and neither was complaining-)

It was until they pulled back that Dipper saw Bill smirking. He gave him a puzzled look as he put his hand over his own mouth, slightly embarrassed.

"A kiss for information. Where's the thing, Pine Tree?"

Dipper stopped and looked at Bill. That was.... Way more than just one kiss but he didn't dare say it out loud in fear Bill would ask way more questions.

He sighed as he pulled out his phone from his pocket and waved it in Bill's face. Bill deadpanned for a second before he let out a quiet 'oh'.

"So you had it in your pocket all this time?"


".....Pine Tree-" Bill reached for the phone but Dipper held it out of his reach. He looked at Bill and grinned.

"You haven't asked if you could use it."

Bill laughed and crossed his arms. He knew were Dipper was going.

"Oh no. What ever shall I do?"

"How about a kiss for an answer?"

(Lord help me. I can't even explain this chapter but I tried quq)

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