Chapter One.

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Emilee's P.O.V

"And.. thats a wrap! Great Job, Em! you were hot!" My american photographer, Chris, said. I smiled at him, as I wrapped a robe around my body, covering up my bikini.

"Thanks, Chris. The photoshoot was great." I told him, he winked at me before shooing me away to my dressing room. I laughed as he began typing away on his iPhone, comepletely droneing out everything around him, as he smiled his signature smile.

Of course he would be chatting away with his boyfriend, who by the way is lovely.

I checked the time a shrieked. I scurried into my dressing room, locking the door behind me, quickly grabbing my phone and dialling the number I knew by heart, as I ripped off the bikini and threw on my clothes.


"Josh! I am so so so sorry! I didn't realize how fast time flew. They photoshoot dragged on longer then I anticipated and I-"

"Love, breathe, it's okay. Traffic's terrible and I'm still on the way to the cafè. Not that far, but I know you'll be there in time."He replied, chuckling lightly. I sighed in relief, thanking god that we had agreed on the cafè not to far from the studio. It was about a five minute walk.

"Oh! phew! Saved by traffic." I laughed.

"Easy for you to say, you weren't the one trapped in it." Josh laughed. "Abd by the way, have you heard the headlines?" he asked. I furrowed my eyebrows, in confusion.


"You didn't know about them? Emilee, you have to see what the press is brewing up now." He replied, laughing, "It's actually pretty ridiculous."

"I'll search it up," I said pulling on my shirt, "but for now I gotta go, I see you at the cafè."

"Alright, bye," he paused, "I love you, Emilee."He said, finally. I froze. Those three words. They made my heart soar and my stomach flutter. But ache at the same time. I wanted to reply the same thing, but I couldn't. I wasn't ready.

"I know you aren't ready, Em. And I understand. I'll still be waiting." That made me smile.

"Thank you, Josh. Bye." I hung up. I felt completely lucky to have Josh. The luckiest. But I felt unfair to him. It was unfair that he loves me, but I couldn't bring myself there yet.

But as always, I shrug it off, wanting to be happy, instead of pondering on those things.

But what were those Headlines?

Louis' P.O.V

"Coming up, Hollister's Top Model, Emilee, and Hollywood A-Lister, Josh Hutcherson, engaged?"

Those words hovered around the room, surrounding the utter shock and disbelief that I was sure, radiated off me. I froze.

I don't know why, but my stomach clench and my heart fell to the floor and shattered. I didn't know why I felt like this.

I remembered seeing Em in a billboard, modeling for Hollister's fall line, and of course, I was shocked. I never pictured Emilee to be a model. I always thought she would have taken on something more academical. More in her comfort. But in the billboard... She looked so happy. So free. So beautiful.

Not at all like how I left her. Broken and in tears. Then again, I was too sad and angry to take in what she looked like.

But I know if I had a chance to go back in time to the day Emilee kicked me out of her life and vice versa, I would put away all my selfish needs and wants, and look at her. Just take in everything about her, to try and remember her perfectly, from the way she moved, to the way she talked, to the way she looked at me, for the rest of my life.

Had I known back then that it would be the last I see of Emilee, I would have done just that.

I know it's completely wrong and rather shady that I have these thoughts, seeing as I am a taken man, but I couldn't help but miss her. I couldn't help but think of her.

She left me and I left her, at the time I needed her the most. I needed Emilee, that night. I needed her to hold me, and tell me that we're still alright. I needed her to guide me, cause quite frankly, I have no fucking idea what I was doing. I didn't know what I've done to myself and all I knew was her.

But she didn't see that. She completely overlooked my need for her. Then she left.

"I want us."

"I can't."

"I love you."

"You love Eleanor."

Those words replayed in my head, constantly. Like another lash at my heart.

It's terrible to still feel this way, when Eleanor loves me and I know a small part of me feels the same, but Eleanor will never be Emilee. Eleanor's fantastic, but the flames weren't there anymore.

If there were any to begin with. I'm sure in the early stages of our relationship, I was smitten by her, but that was when I actually had Emilee. And it was completely selfish of me to even think I could have them both. If I had Eleanor and I couldn't have Emilee.

But a part of me knows that if things had gone differently at Emilee's apartment, that day, I wouldn't have Eleanor. But Emilee had left me no choice.

She wanted us to be strangers. She wanted us to pretend that we never met, that we never became friends, that we never fell face first for each other. And it killed me.

I remember hearing the door of her flat close and then my heart shatter. The box full of my belongings fell to the floor, with a thud, everything tumbling out.

Pain ripped through my chest, making me crumple to the floor, pathetically. Sobs threating to escape my lips, which I fought against.

I swallowed my sobs and screams, and clicked the tv off.

My breathing got heavier, and I clenched my fist trying to gain control of myself.

I closed my eyes shut, trying to get my breathing to regulate.

"Babe?" A soft, almost comforting, voice called. I opened my eyes, and saw Eleanor standing there with a worried expression on her face. She scurried off to my side, and placed her arms around me, gently.

"Louis, what's wrong? Are you okay?" She asked me, softly. I sighed, heavily.

"Nothing, I just, I-" I cut myself off, not able to think of an excuse. Eleanor and I were going through a rough patch and telling her that I was an inch closer to a break down, because the girl I used to love was getting married to another man, won't help anything.

"It's nothing to worry about, El. I just.. I'm just a bit stressed out, with tour coming up,rehearsals, and photoshoots and interviews.. It's getting to me abit." I lied. She seemed to have bought it, when she pulled me into a hug and rested her head on my shoulder.

Then suddenly, she pulled away, beaming at me with her adorable smile.

"Why don't we go on a vacation? Just you and I? You need a break, anyway. Why not take one, before tour starts? Just to relieve some stress. You deserve it.." She paused, then looked at me with hopeful eyes, "And maybe it'll give us a chance to.. you know.. fix.. our relationship.. fill in that gap.." She said, shyly. My heart clenched. So I was hurting her.

I carressed the side of her face, admiring her innocence and the pureness of her heart, which I did not deserve.

"How does a trip to Italy sound?"

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