5: Welcome to the Team

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"Mr. Peters, please come to customer services. Customer waiting."

The female voice echoed out of the grainy Tannoy system across the shop floor and up into the back staff area.

Dan shoveled in a slice of the utterly delicious homemade apple pie that the cook, Denise, saved for him from the lunch hour he didn't get. He sat on his own in the staff room, lunch and tea breaks long gone for all his coworkers. Denise was washing down the small industrial kitchen for the end of the day and turned her heavyset body covered in the chef whites she wore, to offer Dan a sympathetic smile. Dan shrugged and smiled back through the mouthful of shortcrust pastry with syrupy-sweet cooking apples.

"You want me to ring? Get someone else to go see?" Denise asked.

Dan shook his head and wiped his hands down his trousers—his mother would have been livid. He glanced up at the clock on the far back wall and cursed under his breath. He chewed more quickly and swallowed down the pie, reluctantly unable to savor the delicious buttery and sugary taste this time. It was ten to four. Where the hell had today gone?

"Probably my new bloke," Dan said, standing and picking up his plate covered in a garish purple floral pattern.

"New bloke? You've not told me you're off the shelf!" Denise exclaimed, setting down the mop she used to wipe the kitchen floor and placing her hands on her plump hips. She tutted and shook her head.

Dan laughed. He placed the plate on the kitchen counter, pushing it over to Denise on the other side.

"New employee," Dan corrected. "Don't worry, you'll be the first to know if anyone wants to date this loser again."

Denise grabbed a napkin from the cutlery tray for him, then took the plate and clanged it into the metal sink to wash. Smiling, Dan wiped his mouth.

"How could anyone not want to date you?" Denise remarked, narrowing her eyes as she turned back to face Dan. "That smile alone is worth a drink or two."

Dan breathed out a laugh. Denise was a legend in both cake baking and ego boosting.

"Cheers, Denise. But we all know my luck with men. Steering clear." Dan tried to make the statement convincing, but even he was having a hard time believing it. Striding toward the exit, Dan grinned over his shoulder and pushed at the swing door. "Best pie yet. That'll have my mouth happy for days."

"Charmer!" Denise called after him.

Dan chuckled, adjusting his blazer and tie while jogging through the back corridors, down the flight of steps and into the warehouse. A couple of his young part-time shop floor assistants stood chatting by the crates, using them to lean on rather than unload the latest delivery. Dan shot them his best manager glare and they quickly resumed checking the boxes and ticking off items. Dan shook his head and bit his lip to prevent the smile.

He wasn't sure how he'd become one of the more respected managers. When he'd been sixteen, he played up in the warehouse just as much as the younger staff did, but on working his way up the career ladder, he'd found he just had a way with people. He was able to be their mate and get a round in at the pub after shifts, but when he needed to put his foot down, it didn't take much for them all to fall in line. Mutual respect, he guessed. You earn respect as a manager. Not demand it.

He pushed open the swinging double doors and marched onto the shop floor, doing a quick check to make sure all was in order. He caught Dougie picking his nose by the cereal aisle. Dan whistled loudly. He'd perfected the delivery of his whistle over time and now most of his team members knew what it meant—stop whatever it is you're not meant to be doing. It was used for blatant nose-picking and the attempted discreet use of mobile phones. Dougie looked up, expression full of fear, and widened his eyes at his boss.

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