General Release

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So it's here.... the general release of Misdemeanor is now up and live. Means you can go get your hands on a copy at all online retailers including Amazon.

That's ebook and paperback. And look at these beauties...

So, if you would like a signed copy of the paperback, all you need to do is PM me, we'll have a chat and take it from there

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So, if you would like a signed copy of the paperback, all you need to do is PM me, we'll have a chat and take it from there.

I'm going to have to charge a round fee of £20 for signed paperbacks. That'll cover the cost of the book and all postage and packaging. I wish I could send you it all for free but sadly my bank account won't allow (yes, even us authors have to pay for our own books). Of course you can buy your own paperback if you prefer :)

I do ask, however, that in return you post your love for the book everywhere you can. Mostly:



Pride Publishing - Misdemeanor page.

And every social media!!!! Tag Cfwhiteuk 😜

(will put links in comments).

Thank you all for joining me on this epic journey!!!

Thank you all for joining me on this epic journey!!!

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Misdemeanor (Responsible Adult #1) Where stories live. Discover now