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June's pov:

Hey mom...hey dad!

"June have breakfast"! Said mom.

June, your vacations are over....

Dad! I know.

Ahh! "Atlast we can have some peace in home" teased danny.

"So funny " i mocked.

Hmm which course you are going to take June said monica.

Me, psychology.

Wow! Intresting she said.

Dad, but here? I don't even know anyone. None of my friends are here.

Hey June, Evlyn is also in psychology. She is going to be your classmate .

Ah thank god. Atleast she is there for me.

"So happy now" asked dad.



Hey Ashton, I'm going to college tomorrow.

Hmm okay.

Which course you are in?

I'm in Engeenering! He said

Hmm what is it June?

I am so worried about Evlyn. She is being so upset .

Once she comes to college she will come out of it.

"So how is your house"!

Fine ,No nightmares. Seems like devil has gone.

Meet you tomorrow. I will pick you . We can go to college...bye..

Next day##

Ashton came to pick me.

"So ready !he asked.

I'm so tensed, it's my first day in college. I'm so nervous .

Cool. Everyone feels nervous on their first day. But our college is the best one. Stay calm.

I called to Evlyn. She is already in the college.

We stopped near the college.

Our college is right here. "The whillsmore" university.

It is out of my expectations. It is so large , a very old university. With less people.

A very welcoming atmosphere. I liked it so much. It has a very big lawn with white, violet roses all over.

Wow!! I like this so much.

I know. Now come and get your schedule he said.

I went to office room. Took my schedule .

So my department is in next block. I got to go. Anyways Evlyn is there .

Yeah thanks a lot Ashton.See you later bye.

I and Evlyn went to our class.

Evlyn don't be sad. Forget about it. You just can't stick to the past. I know about your situation, but please think about it.

June I'm trying to... but everytime Zack comes into my mind.

I know how horrible is your situation. But Evlyn ..

We were interrupted by a boy who is saying something...

"What do you want" i asked.

Hell, get away from here. These are our seats , he said arrogantly.

What is wrong with you? I asked.

A blonde, blue eyed girl came in and stared us like a shit.

"Babe, these are not moving from here " that boy said.

"Don't care Mike, tell them to stick to those seats" she said rolling her eyes.

Jessy common we have a vacant seat next to them.

"You know, they both are just annoying"! I said.

And next an old proffessor came.

So welcome to our "Whillsmore university"

I'm Proffessor Charles vanderwaal "head of the department".

And then proffessor talked like for a few minutes.

So be good students and learn.

When he went, a lady entered.

Hey., I'm Miss Claire marin ,your lecturer.

And then i was stunned seeing her!!

"Holy crap!" She is the one who lives opposite to our house. I just talked to her yesterday i said to Evlyn.

Woah! That's what she said.

When the class is over , Miss Marin just gave me a smile.

We both went to canteen.

I am carrying orange juice , accidentally i bumped and juice fell all over her jeans.

Oh shit!! This girl...

"What's your problem"? she asked.

I'm so sorry jessy. It was my mistake..

"Hey you get away from my girlfriend " Mike said.

I gritted my teeth.

Out of the hell, i got screwed up today...

Hope you guys like this story, please do read it.

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