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I heard someone shouting, It was from my brother's room.

Bro! What happened? Why you both are fighting?

"June, you go to your room" he said sternly.

It was really strange. They never had any fight like this before. Monica hates to fight with him. But now she is shouting at him!!!!

Next day:

I can still sense that everything is not fine between the both.

I went to college.

Proffessor Charles gave us a project . We should do it in groups. He allocated some groups. Each group has five members.There are ten groups like that. Each group is given a number. My group number is three.

Thank god I and Evlyn are in same group. We are waiting for next three of them.

Holy crap!!! That Mike and jessy were in our group . We shared a cold look with each other. And the next member.... here he comes a tall guy , with green eyes .

"Sorry for being late" he said by scratching his back.

"Oh no worries, you are on time" I said.

I am Lucas. He said by forwarding his hand.

We introduced ourselves.

All groups are assembled .

"So you all are given a week time, you should be ready with your project. This helps in improving your communication skills , self confidence. So All the best" Mr . Charles said.


I and Evlyn went to caffeteria and having salad.

Hey girls, lucas came and sat next to us.

Hey Lucas!

So when should we start our project?

"I don't know about that both love birds " .

"See they are coming towards us " said Evlyn.

So what you guys thought about project?  Jessy questioned.

"Oh queen bee is interested in projects " i thought.

We all five started discussing about the project.

Where should we do it? I mean we all should get a place to do project said Mike.

We are not allowed in college, but my house is so far  said Lucas.

"So as ours" said Mike and jessy.

I turned towards Evlyn, hoping she will say something.

June your place is better she said.

Okay fine at my home.As it is a weekend we can do it fast.

So where is your house girl, Jessy asked.

House number 33, five blocks away from the college.

Oh then we will meet tomorrow at your place ... they said.

I came to home. I told mom about the whole project thing.

I took bath changed into pink tank top and sweatpants. I saw my mobile beeping.

Hi Ashton!!

What got you so busy ,huh? He asked.

Ashton we are having a project. So i was busy in that.

Can we meet tomorrow?

Hmm i will free in the evening. Bye...

Next day:

It was half past 9, still they haven't came except Evlyn.

Are they even coming?

Yeah june, i tjink they may be in search of your house she said.

I saw Lucas coming. I waved him a hand from the window. He came to my room.

I called to Jessy..

Hey where were you both?

We are on the way to your street, June which is your house. We are confused a bit!! She said.

Number 33, big house with a huge tree behind it. Quite a old fashioned one...i said.

She didn't speak a word...

I saw a blue car in front of my home.

They both came out of their cars and just staring  the house.

Hey guys get in, I said.

Hmm.. their eyes are still  fixed at house.

I took them to my room.

I can observe that there is slight tension in both of them.

We started sharing our ideas on the project. It got really well. All of us have a same opinion. It was so easy for us and we got  to know how to work on it.

Mike and jessy are not feeling  comfortable at all, they are just sharing glares with each other.

Is anything wrong? I asked them.

No... well  june your house is a haunted one.. both said in unison.

How do you know? I asked.

What is happening? Haunted ,huh!!! Surprised Lucas.

Yeah, someone died in this house said jessy.

"And that someone is a devil" said Mike.

"But when, also if someone died that doesn't mean that  there is devil here" said Lucas.

We had a friend, who came to this house one day, and never returned back!!! They both said.

Is his name is " zack".. asked Evlyn.

Yeah... do you know him...they said.

He is my boyfriend she said.

Hello everyone, but your family is really happy living here said Lucas.

I don't know... i said.


We thought to meet the next day.

Evlyn stayed for dinner.

When i came from room , i saw Evlyn coming from monica's room crying.

Evlyn why are you crying... i said running after her..

But in no vain she left with her car.

What is bothering me is Monica. She is being so strange..

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