Chapter 3

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A/n: Annyeong!! Don't forget to vote for each chapter and comment on places you liked or anything confusing. :) Kamsahmnida!!

It's been 2 weeks since Chanyeol told me about Hyuna. I spent everyday after school with Kyungsoo. I felt horrible for what my sister did to him. Especially because he still has no idea. I cant bring myself to tell him, although he deserves to know.

Chanyeol seems to be getting hostile towards the both of us. As for the making out thing? We don't talk about it. Chanyeol gets mad when I try to apologize.

I picked up my phone to. Check the time 5:55am. Damn. It's early. I have 2 and a half hours until I need to get up.

I heard a vibration noise coming from my bedside table. I turn to look Incoming call: Park Asshole

Uuuugh I answered the phone. "Yobesoyo?" I said, trying to hide the annoyance in my voice.

"I didn't want to come into your room, but could you come here for a second. I think we should talk."

"Why couldn't you have just knocked on my door?"

"Whatever just come into the living room please."

"Fine give me a second."

I hung up and put on an oversized shirt. Then walked out into the living room to find Chanyeol sitting on the couch with him elbows resting on his knees. "Annyeonghasseyo, sit down." he motioned to the chair opposite him.

"What's this about," I asked, taking the seat.

"You cant see Kyungsoo anymore." Chanyeol said.

"Yeah, okay, since when did you control my life?" I said with attitude.

"Okay smartass, there's a reason."

"Oh really? What's the reason?"

"It will make it easier for him, especially because he has strong feelings for you. It will help him get over you. Since, you're just going to break his heart anyways."

"Don't assume. You don't know if that's what I'll do or not. You can't see the future, Park." I called him by his last name to provoke him on purpose. So I do admit that I did deserve what happened next. You do not call Park Chanyeol by his last name.

I could see the anger plastered on his face like face paint. He was beaming mad. He stood up and gritted his teeth and brought his hand up to slap me, he slapped me once and I winced, but then when he brought his hand back up to hit me a second time...he didn't do it. He just held the position for a few seconds and then brought his hand back down.

His face turned from angry to upset. "I'm so sorry...The reason i hate people calling me by my last name is because Hyuna called me Park.... I just dont want what happened to Kyungsoo to happen again. I don't think I could live with myself if I let that happen to him again. Just....plesse stay away from him."

With that, he left. We didnt see each other for the remainder of the day. I ignored Kyungsoo. All of chemistry, he tried to talk to me, but I just took notes during the lesson and ignored him. But then, after school, he grabbed my arm as I was about to enter the dorm.

"Ya, Jimin, what's up with you today?" he asked with concern in his eyes. I couldnt take it anymore. I had to tell him. He had to understand.

"Kyung. Do you remember a girl named Hyuna who went to this school last year? Who am I kidding...of course you do. Anyways.... That's my sister. She got expelled for smoking weed on campus. But before she left, her and Chanyeol broke up after being together 2 years...."

"Jimin, what does that have to do with right now."

"Kyungsoo, she drugged you. To make you pass out. And to have sex with you."

" Sh-she would never do that.... Y-youre lying to me.... How would you know that anyways..."

"Chanyeol caught her doing it.... She was raping you when he got to her dorm...Im so sorry Kyung..."

"Why are you lying to me.... If you didn't like me you could have just said so you didn't need to make up excuses..."

"Kyung. I like you, I really do. You just needed to know... You deserved to know. Chanyeol didn't want to tell you...but I couldnt keep something like that to myself."

"...I..Im sorry Jimin...but I... I don't think we can c..continue s-seeing each other.... I have to go..." he began walking away.

"Kyungsoo... I-i know youre upset but.. We don't need to stop being friends...."

He stopped dead in his tracks. "That's the thing, Jimin, I didn't think we were just friends."

And with that, he left.

A/n Sorry for the short chapter.... Anyways. Hope you enjoyed it! Please vote and comment! Saranghaeyo!!!

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