Chapter 7

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A/n: this chapter is going to be a bit different than my previous ones. So I hope you enjoy this long awaited chapter !! Pls vote and comment on confusing moments !! I dont know how to dedicate chapters to certain users, but if i did it would go the user Exokimzi. Anyways enjoy.

Jimin's pov

A tear fell down my face as Kyungsoo stormed out of the room. I slowly turned towards Chanyeol, "Uh....p...please tell our teacher I'm not feeling well... I... I need a day to myself." Chanyeol nodded his head and stood up to walk to me. He didn't say anything, but he pulled my arm around his waist and hugged me as he rested his chin on the top of my head.

In that moment, I began crying my eyes out. I knew it wasn't Chanyeol's fault, Kyungsoo only misunderstood the just shows how much trust he didn't have.... It was also in that moment that my heart fell hard for a boy who was controlling, but also kind. Mischievous, but also charming. And arrogant at times, but also handsome.

"Jimin, we should talk." Chanyeol said after he closed the front door. It was 4:00pm so classes just ended a while ago. So, naturally, Chanyeol came to the dorm.

He opened the front door an strode over to the couch to sit next to me. I clicked off the television and faced him, staring into his eyes. I could see the guiltiness in his eyes as it radiated off his body like an aura. "It's not your fault it was just a misunderstanding.... I'll talk to him about -" he cut me off by pulling me into a hug.

The hug was long and probably one of the best hugs I've ever had. After a while it got awkward and we slowly let go of each other. Chanyeol placed both his hands on my shoulders. "I'm so sorry....but Kyungsoo found someone else." My heart burst with emotions at the sound of those words. I sat there on the couch, frozen and emotionless.

I heard Chan saying my name but I tuned it out. Kyungsoo and I were together for so long, and he just threw all of that away in less the 8 hours.

After a few minutes of silence, Chanyeol pulled my body closer to him and wrapped his arms around my waist in a hug. I waited a few seconds until I tangled my arms around his neck and deepened our hug. I thought of all the amazing things Kyungsoo and I did and tears began to stir in my eyes and find their way down my cheeks.

Chanyeol tightened his arms around me one last time, before pulling me away. He placed both his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes with a look of pity. I closed my eyes tight and shook my head. "No," I stated, "It's just a rumor, he wouldn't do that to me."

Chan placed his hand on the underneath of my chin and lifted my face so our eyes would meet. "I'm afraid it's not, sweets."

The tears grew until the were no longer tears, but streams of water from my eyes. I brought both my hands up to my face in an attempt to hide my reddened eyes and moist cheeks. I couldn't hold back my cries until Chanyeol removed my hands from their place and replaced them with his own. He used both his thumbs to wipe the moistness from my cheeks away and he smiled. "You know, you're beautiful even when you're crying over a boy who doesn't deserve a single drop of your tears." his smile faded after I turned away when i heard those words. How could he care about me...I've done nothing to benefit him.

And as if he read my mind, "I am caring about you because you deserve it after getting your heart broken. I dont show people kindness very often...and I dont really understand how I feel this way about you...but I do. And I'm going to take your silence as that you don'-" and for once it was me who cut him on in the middle of his sentence by pressing our lips together.

After a few long seconds, I pulled away. "There's your answer, 'sweets'," he cleared his throat and i reached up and ruffled his hair. "I want you to know that this does not mean we are together. Because 1, I dont believe in dating right after a happy relationship, and 2, you're my sister's ex boyfriend. I dont think she would be too pleased with me if I started dating you...."

He looked down, "I understand you need some time to recover and think about the situation. But, you also need to know that I can't wait forever. There's only a few months left in the school year...will you be here next year??"

I looked down, "I can chose to stay or not. I haven't decided that yet."

"Alright. I'll leave you alone. Take all the time you need..." and with that, he left.

You know that all things happen for a reason. It me 2 months after my breakup with Kyungsoo to realize that him and I broke up for a reason. And i believe that reason was so I could have a happy relationship with Chanyeol.

After realizing that, I got up the nerve to tell Yeol. I waited until we were done with our classes. He usually gets home half an hour later than I do because he hangs out with his friends.

I heard the door handle shudder as he attempted to open the door. I shot up off the couch and ran to open the door for him. I twisted the knob and without even looking, I grabbed the back of his neck and hugged him. The person in my embrace stumbled around and hugged me tight. "Yannooo what Ji...I m-missed you soooo much." but the voice I heard was'nt Yeol's...

I pulled away automatically and looked at him with horror. "Why are you here, Soo..."

"What the hell is going on here?" Chanyeol came out of nowhere and grabbed Kyungsoo by the collar of his shirt and slammed him against the wall. "Don't you ever. EVER. Touch her again." He let Kyungsoo go and walked inside without looking at me as Kyungsoo stumbled away to his dorm.

"Chan I....I can explain." I said once I got inside.

"No. Dont. I saw you hug him, Min." He walked over to the couch and sit down.

"No, Yeol, listen. That hug was meant for you..."

"How do you mix us up??"

"I don't know...I just opened the door and hugged him because I didn't realize he wasn't you...I'm sorry..."

"It's okay...but if he bothers you anymore, especially if he's drunk. Let me know as soon as possible..."

"I will don't worry."

"Why were you going to hug me anyways? You never hug me out of the blue like that."

"...I um...was going to tell you that I decided to be with you..."

His eyes widened and mouth opened, "Really?!?"

I nodded my head, he stood up and grabbed me and spun me around like in one of those cheesy romantic movies. He kissed me and I couldn't help but giggle through the kiss. But, then I felt my phone start to vibrate in my back pocket so the moment was ruined....

He set me down and I reached in my back pocket. I looked down at my phone to see who was calling. Hyuna.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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