Chapter 1

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A/N ANNYEONGHASSEYO!!!! This is my first fanfiction and constructive criticism is encouraged. I would love it if you would leave a comment on things you liked!! Let's get on with the story.

When I opened the door to my new dorm, I was greeted by many people of the male gender. "H-hi?" I stuttered, as my cheeks got flushed with redness. It didn't help the fact that most of them were shirtless, "Y-you all can't be my roommates, which one of you is... Uh" I looked back down at my student form that has all my information. Including my new roommates name. "Ch-Chanyeol?"

All of the males looked at me and one of them walked forward and held out his hand, his most memorable feature was his ears because they stuck out slightly, reminding me of Yoda from Star Wars. "That would be me." I placed my hand in his and lightly shook it up and down. "You much be uh....Ji-Jimin?" he teased.

I just giggled awkwardly and looked down. He grabbed my face and began yelling, "Ya! First rule: look at me when I'm talking to you. Second rule: when my friends are in the dorm, don't bother us. And Third, don't even think about sleeping with any of them. Go into your room, it's down the hall and to the right." Chanyeol pointed in that direction. Damn okay rude. But I nodded and headed to my room.

I started to get unpacked. I brought a few of my posters from my room at home, to make my room look better. I placed my BigBang poster on my wall above my bed, and placed the other ones on the wall all around the small room. I brought my colorful sheets out if my bag and made my bed. After that, I put my clothes into the chest of drawers beside the door.

I was very tired from the long flight from my home town, Long Beach to South Korea, so I plopped down on my bed and fell asleep instantly.

Two weeks prior

"Why do I have to go. My sister got expelled from there, so who's to say I won't do the same?!" I exclaimed to my parents.

"She did drugs on campus, and you are the one always telling her to quit them," Mom explained, "so I'm kind of assuming you won't make the same mistake as her."

"But, mom are you really going to make me leave all of my friends from here?"

"Ji, don't be so dramatic it's not like you'll never come back. It's just for the rest of the year. You might even want to stay for the rest of high school."

Present day

I was woken up not even 5 minutes after I fell asleep by someone shaking me. "Ya! Ji wake up!"

"Yaa!! Get out!! Why are you in here??" I screamed pushing him off the bed, causing him to fall on his back.

"Y-you have mail?" He studdered, trying to get his breath back.

"Why the hell did you need to wake me up for that?"

"I-I dunno. I'm sorry. Go back to sleep."

"Well I wont able to fall asleep after that. So I'll just go watch TV in the living room." He just nodded in response and left the room.

I grabbed my phone from off the bedside table and checked the time 8:18pm I slept for about 10 hours.

I walked into my private bathroom, and turned on the light. I analyzed myself in the mirror absolute shit I thought, referring to my current appearance. I washed my face and headed to the living room.

There i found Chan, laying on the couch fast asleep. With the TV on. I cant help but think he turned it on for me. Chan falls asleep pretty fast.... It hasn't. even been 10 minutes before he left my room. I grabbed a blanket from the hall closet. You may be an ass, but you're a pretty cute one at that. I thought as I slowly placed the blanket over him. And he shifted around in his sleep. Scratch that... Grade A sexy.

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