Chapter 2

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A/n: Annyeonghasseyo!! Please show this fic some support by voting for each chapter! I'm sorry if some things need clarification, please comment. It would help me very much!

Jimin's pov

I woke up very early that morning, so I decided to make breakfast for the both of us. It would make a good impression on him if I were to cook. Maybe then he won't hate me so much.

So I went into our horrible excuse for a kitchen to prepare the food. I passed by the couch in our living area, he was still sleeping there. In a slightly different positions than he was last night. But still.... Very cute.

Our "kitchen" was quite small. We had a mini fridge and a mini stove. Probably the smallest stove I had ever seen. Well, what do you expect from a dorm at a boarding school.

I tried my best not to make too much noise while making the omelets for breakfast. I also prepared some toast and put orange juice into two glasses.

After pouring the juice I heard a deep, rusty, but very sexy morning voice, "What are you doing?"

"Oh! Chan! You're awake! I just made us breakfast." I replied, handing him the plate of food.

"Um...thanks?" he questioned. Chanyeol took the plate and juice. Then, he grabbed a fork from the drawer of silverware and headed too the couch.

I ate my food at the table and scrolled through instagram. But after a few minutes, I glanced over at him. He wasn't doing anything. He just looked lost in thought. I wonder what Chanyeol is thinking of. I thought as I looked back at my phone to check the time. 8:56 Dammit. I only have 14 minutes to get to first period. As does Chan.

"Hey, get ready it's almost time to be in class." I hurried to my room, I heard him muffle some words under his breath but I didn't pay much attention to it.

I picked out a generic outfit, jeans and my favorite shirt, grabbed my backpack and my student paper and left for first period....wherever that was.

I fiddled with my paper until I found my schedule on it. Then I followed the map to my first period class. Chemistry 2 with Ms. Park in rm. 38.

I got to the door to the classroom when the bell rang before I could get inside. 9:10. Shit. I opened the door and the teacher said, "So nice of you to join us, you must be Ms. Kim?"

I cleared my throat, "Y-yes ma'am." I studdered as I spoke, and looked down at the ground and giggled awkwardly.

"I have to say, not the best first impression, being late to class and all. But I will let it slide this time because you're new here." She smiled and ushered me to sit down next to another student.

The boy smiled at me, "Hi," he whispered, "I'm Kyungsoo. What's your name?" He seems very familiar.... Where have I seen him before?

"I'm J-Jimin."

"Oh that's a nice name." Kyungsoo smiled even bigger.

"Thank you," I blushed, "but not as nice as Kyungsoo, that's really cool."

Kyungsoo just shrugged and looked up at the teacher Ms. Park. "Today, we will be learning about how negative atoms and positive atoms bond. Or, in a greater sense, how opposites attract." Great, my introduction into chemistry is going to be boring as hell.

Throughout the whole lesson, I was drifting off to sleep. Thankfully Kyungsoo flicked my arm lightly when I'd start to fall asleep. After class, he even offered to help me study sometime. But, i politely declined.

"At least let me take you out for coffee." Kyungsoo exclaimed with his eyes wide.

"I-I dunno I'm not t-too g-great around guys..." I replied....again stuttering.

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