Chapter 2 Camp life

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The two cousins crossed the empty courtyard towards the main entrance of the building. High doors opened on a long hallway, which Dana followed to knock at the last door, flanked by two full height mirrors.

A pleasant female voice beckoned them into a large blind office. It was brightly lit, with a shiny counter and a wall of presses in the back. A blonde woman in a lavender blouse smiled warmly at them.

"Hi Sal, how are you doing? I brought you a new recruit, my first cousin Edina Sand."

"Good to meet you Edina. How is your first day going? Let me have a look at you...mmm...I think I've got just your size, here!"

Before Eddy could answer, a pile of clothes was shoved into her arms.

"Go behind the screen in the corner, try them on!"

A bit lost, Eddy did as she was told. Soon, she was complaining. "These things are too big, they don't fit properly. And why is my shirt brown and not blue like Dana's?"

"Your cousin is a Commander, dear, they wear blue shirts, but recruits are in brown. Also, Lieutenants are in green and Generals in red. Come over here, so I can check the fit... Perfect, right first time. Now, for the shoes, I need to see your feet..."

"But...that's too loose! It looks like a sack!" Eddy protested.

"Eddy, please, you are not going on a clothes show! If your uniform is tight you won't be able to move properly. Would you like your trousers to tear in the middle in front of all your unit?" Dana had had enough of her attitude.

Eddy took off her fancy boots and stepped on the measuring tool. "Oh no, that would be horrible!» she reckoned.

"So we are good. Try those boots, love, are they comfortable?"

"Well, yes I suppose..." Eddy gave a sorrowful look at the plain brown things.

"Thank you so much, Sal, we will go to the armory now." With a wink to Sal, Dana threw her cousin's garb in the bag and dragged her through the next door.

In the Armory, and the scene repeated itself with Ron in Sal's role, and a sword and scabbard instead of uniform and boots.

Dana's patience was at the end of its rope. The girl's constant whining was insufferable. Eddy had changed all right; for the worse. Taking a deep breath, Dana spoke in a clipped voice "Time to get you to your dorm."

She led the way to the stairs, up to the first floor. Eddy's dorm was in the left wing, with large windows opening on the yard. The room had white walls, a light timber floor, and was scarcely furnished with six bunk beds, six lockers and six small desks. All beds were made but one.

"Well, this one is yours I suppose. The others picked theirs three days ago, so you don't get to choose. Your locker is just beside."

"But this is TINY! And where do I put my toiletries?"

"Here!" Dana pointed at the bathroom on the side, with six shelves, and only one free.

Eddy was a statue of disapproval. She disdainfully put her bag down and pouted while emptying it.

Dana only allowed her a few minutes to get settled. "Good, one thing done. Now, your hair; pull it in a single braid, it is mandatory if you wear it long."

"And if I don't?" At this point, Eddy was feeling rebellious.

"Well, they will have you cut it short. Would you prefer that?»

"No thanks, I will braid it..."

"Good. Anytime now would be nice. I still need to introduce you to your unit, and show you the rest of the camp. And I might have to produce some real work after it. By the way, why are you starting late?"

"I-I was ill..." Eddy pulled on her hair, trying to get the ribbons and pearls out.

"Good try, Eddy, but you are a White Sha'tan, remember? We don't do sick."

"But it's true! I was shaking, vomiting..."

"And bawling I guess? Eddy, you were just having another panic attack! You are sixteen now! What was happening?"

"I don't know, I hadn't had any in a while. I thought they were gone."

"Was it about coming here? Are you stressed about it?"

"I was just wondering...How many guys in my unit? And who is my Lieutenant? And..."

"Recruits units are half-half as much as possible, so there should be around ten boys in yours. And you, lucky girl, are under Lieutenant Jan Heffson. He might sound a bit obnoxious at first, but he is quite a nice guy when you come to know him. Don't take him too seriously. Follow his orders and ignore his lousy jokes, and you'll be just fine."

Eddy put the final touch to her braid and sat on her bed, head down. "I don't know if I can do it, Dana, I just don't know! I'm so afraid, I can't help it."

Dana sat beside her, throwing her arm around her shoulders. "Of course you can! Eddy, you are safe here. There are plenty of female soldiers like you, and the boys know well what would befall them, were they to set one greasy finger on any of you. You are very pretty, you might get some teasing, but nothing more. Plus you are going to learn how to protect yourself, you will soon be able to beat them up. And with five other scary girls in your dorm at night, how could any man get to you? Look, your sword will be hanging here, just beside your bed!"

Eddy smiled weakly."Really, you think so? Maybe you are right, I will try. And you will be there to protect me, won't you?"

"Eddy, you know well I will kill anyone touching you!" Dana's face hardened. Her cousin was a royal pain, but she was still family. She was dead serious. Anyone assaulting Eddy would meet her sword, and this time she would aim for the heart.

One hour later, they were done touring the place and headed towards the training grounds, when they bumped into a running officer.

"If it isn't my favourite commander! Where were you hiding, Dana? I haven't seen you all day!" The officer flashed a sparkling smile, complete with dimples. He was a bit over six foot, well built, with an attractive face complimented by china-blue eyes and spiky hair.

"Hello to you too, Jan! Some of us are actually busy you know! May I introduce my cousin, Edina, who is to join your unit. Eddy, meet the infamous Lieutenant Heffson, in the flesh!"

Eddy froze and blushed. "Hello, nice to meet you, Sir," she managed.

"Another beautiful sample of the Sand family, hopefully with a better temper! Are you skilled with a sword? Dana was kicking butts from day one with your father's training."


"Her father did not train her much, he is a tad overprotective of her and didn't want to push her," cut Dana.

His voice hardened. "Well you'll have to catch up then. Why are you three days late already?"

Dana answered for her. "She got stepped on by a horse last week, broken bones in her foot. Couldn't start training on crutches really."

Eddy's eyes widened, but she nodded in agrement.

Jan frowned. He knew Dana enough to notice she was lying."If you say so. Now, Eddy, you can follow me, I was on my way to your unit for the sparring classes. Unless your cousin still needs you?"

"No, we were done. Thank you, Jan. Oh, and would you mind joining me in my office after that? I'd like your opinion on some Intel."

"Why don't you just admit you can't live without me?" Jan goofed, with a roll of his eyes.

" Mmm, because I can, starting right now. Watch me!" On this, she walked away, grinning.

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