Chapter 7: Finally Awake

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It had been nine months since the particle explosion at Star Labs.  In spite of Dr. Wells' promise to figure out anything he could to help Barry, nothing much seemed to work.  Barry seemed to remain the same.

Dr. Wells had just left for one of his many meetings and had left Cisco and Caitlin in charge of the lab.  Caitlin glanced over now and then to check and see if anything has changed with Barry's condition.  She glanced over at Cisco grinning as he put on some music.  Poker Face by Lady Gaga.  Caitlin rolled her eyes.  "Cisco what are you doing?"  She asks as she watches him start to dance awkwardly and sing to the song.  "I figured it might help Barry. Didn't you read his profile on Facebook?  It says it's his favorite song."  "How is this going to help Barry?"  Cisco gave a small shrug and sat back down at the computer chair.  "Can't read my can't read my.."  He began to sing to pass the time.  Suddenly a jolt from Barry's direction made them both jump.

"Woah!"  Cisco called out.  Cisco and Caitlin both jumped up at the same time and rushed over to Barry's table to get him to calm down.  "Where am I?  What am I doing here?"  Barry asked suddenly nervous.  "Is that normal?  Is that supposed to happen?"  Cisco asked glancing over at Caitlin as she went straight to checking on Barry's levels.  "Woah just calm down.."  Cisco said a bit nervously.  "I'm Cisco Ramon, you're in Star Labs."  He watches as Caitlin begins talking a mile a minute to Barry and checking his vitals.  Cisco holds up his hands to stop her.  "Caitlin!  I don't think that is such a good idea right now."  She glances over at Cisco giving him a hard glare.

Barry quickly jumps up off the table.  "I think I need to go..."  "Dude.  You just woke up from a major spell.  Don't you think you should like wait for Dr. Wells?"  Cisco asks trying to calm Barry down.  "Thank you for everything but I need to go."  Barry quickly stumbles his way out of the lab.  Cisco glances over at Caitlin who was still glaring at him.  "What?"  "Now what do you suppose we tell Dr. Wells?"  "I'll think of something."  He gives a small shrug.

Barry was very confused as to what had happened.  But one thing he wasn't confused about.  It was the last thing he had thought of when he was struck by the lightning.  He makes his way to the coffee shop to see Iris.  As he walks in he smiles as he sees her standing waiting at one of the tables.  As she hears the door to the shop open, she gasps in surprise as she sees Barry.  "Barry!"  She rushes over to him wrapping her arms around him hugging tightly.  He smiles wrapping his arms around her already calming down.  "Iris hey.."  "I didn't realize you had woke up.  Are you sure you're okay to be here?"  She asks slowly pulling back to get a better look at him.

"Iris I'm completely fine."  He said looking at her.  She sighed a little.  "Does dad know you're awake yet?"  "No.  I was on my way to see him.  But I needed to see you first."  She smiled a little.  "I'm glad to see you are back.." 

After Barry had left Jitters, he could feel something was off.  He continued walking along the streets to clear his mind.  Once he had a bit of time to think, he makes his way to the house hoping Joe would be home. 

As he walks into the door he glances around.  "Hello?"  He called out.  Joe came out to the living room from the kitchen surprised to see Barry home.  "Barry?"  He smiled and made his way over giving him a hug.  "Joe hey.."  "You're really back?"  He smiled pulling back from the hug.  "I would've come down but they didn't tell me you woke up." 

"Oh.  Um.  It was sort of a spur of the moment."  Barry said a bit awkwardly.  "Are you sure you're okay to be released this early?"  Joe asked with concern in his voice.  "Yeah. They said I was in tip top shape.  I'm fine Joe I promise."  He smiled a little.

"Iris will be home from work early this evening.  Why don't we go out for dinner?  Unless you need some more rest?"  Barry smiled.  "I think I would like that."

After Joe left for work, Barry headed upstairs to his room to begin to get ready for the dinner with Joe and Iris.

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