Chapter 8: This Strange Feeling

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Once Iris had returned home from work, she smiled seeing Barry in the living room watching tv.  She walks over to sit down next to him.  "Barry?"  He glances over at Iris as he hears her speaking his name and smiles.  "Iris hey.."  "Are you sure you're alright?"  She asked looking at him with a worried expression.  He smiled gently placing a hand over Iris'.  "Iris.  I'm fine.  I promise. 

"I've watched you die Barry.  A few times..."  He takes a deep breath keeping his hand over Iris'.  "I'm perfectly fine.  And I will have plenty of time to catch up on sleep.  I've been relaxing all day. I promise.  So we can go to that dinner."  He smiled.

Once Joe had gotten home, the three of them began to get ready to go out for the celebratory dinner.  Once they arrived to the restaurant, the waiter got them seated at one of the tables.  The three of them had been visiting when they could hear the sound of something clashing together.  Retriggering the memory slightly of the night of the explosion, Barry's heart began to pound fast.  He glances up seeing that a waitress had been run into and a few plates started to shatter on the ground.  However, something seemed strange to Barry.  It was like he was seeing it in slow motion and as if he suddenly had an urge to quickly go help.

"Bar.  Barry?  Earth to Barry?"  Joe's voice quickly brought him back and he glances up at him.  "Huh?  I'm sorry I got distracted."  Joe raises his eye with concern.  "Perhaps you should call Star labs and have them check you out."  Joe suggested.  "No no.  I'm completely fine."

Once the dinner was finished, the three of them made it back to the house.  "Hey.  Um.  I'm going to go get some fresh air. I'll be back okay?"  Joe and Iris turned to him both with concerned looks.  "Did you need me to come with?"  Iris asked.  "Oh no.  It'll just be a short walk.  I'll be back."  Barry quickly exited the house before either of them could stop him.

Once he thought he was a safe distance away, Barry began to take off at a run.  But instead of running at normal speed, something seemed to boost him and it was like he went zero to sixty in a matter of seconds. As he began to have this uneasy feeling, he quickly stopped near an alleyway and leaned his back against the wall taking a deep breath.  "What the hell is going on?"  He asked himself as he raises his hand to see it fluttering uncontrollably.  He made a mental note to himself to make sure to go to Star labs and ask them what was happening.

After a while, Barry took off at a run again this time back to the house.  And once again the same thing happened.  Barry grinned a little as he landed back at Joe's doorsteps.  "Cool!"  He said to himself.  He opened the door to see Iris and Joe sitting on the couch watching tv.  The two of them glanced up as they heard Barry come back.  Iris slowly stands up and walks over to him.  "Barry.  Can we talk?"

Barry looks at Iris slightly confused.  "Yeah sure.  Of course.."  She motions for Barry to follow her back outside.  "What's up?"  He asked once Iris closed the door behind them.  "Barry.  You would tell me if something was wrong right?"  She asks giving him a serious look.  He takes a deep breath looking at Iris.  "Yes.  Iris.  Of course.."  He gently places his hand on her shoulder.  "I'm fine alright?  I promise."  She studies him closely for awhile and sighs.  "Alright."  She opens the door and Barry follows her back into the house.

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