Ageing Love

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An;; so this is the last chapter, and I would just like to thank everyone who has read this far as it means a lot to me. Also, thank you for all the amazing votes and comments. I'm sorry that this story has been crap and I apologise for any mistakes in this chapter in advance, as I'm very tired and probably haven't checked it properly. If you want to read anymore of my stories, I have a new timid fic out called "my minds like a cemetery". Thank you. Enjoy
Lucifer xoxo

Shane's PoV
I could feel nothing but a deep sense of dread in the pit of my stomach as the three of us walked closer to the our destination, pratically trembling with every shaky step that me, my boyfriend and our greatest friend, Luke, took towards the small room, in which we would find the latest addition to our band, preferably in the form of a bassist and another guitarist, neither of which we happened to know. After months of searching, to no avail, the record company had decided to step in and end our pain by hiring someone for the band that they deemed of high enough skill to perform with us, rather than just having to be introduced to new people every week, the people we chose yet never happened to last long. We had never met these people before yet we were now expected to share a tour and a potential album with them, which clearly meant we would have to spend dubious amounts of time with the newcomers. If they didn't like me, I could ruin things for everyone.

As if sensing my pain, Laurence fingers entangled with my own and gave my hand a little, yet oddly reassuring squeeze, as though he was trying to silently remind me of his presence, even though he was walking right beside me, probably feeling similar feelings to my own. Laurence too hated the idea of having no proper choice of the members of his band and, after last time, I couldn't exactly blame him. It had taken months, perhaps even years to undo the dreadful damage that Frank and Mikeys words had done to him, and there was no way I was letting my panda go through that again, no matter how much it would help us on the path to stardom. After all, a band could only be enjoyable if every member got along significantly well and had similar interests-a fact that both Laurence snd Luke had found out the hard way, many years ago when they had been members of the world famous band 'bruises'.

As for me, I had no real experience of being in a band with people I didn't like as this was only my second time being in a band and so far, all the members in the group were my best friends, and that was the starting point for creating our music. My first band project had been in high school and whilst it only consisted of three members, I would congratulate myself on the fact that we played rather well, considering our young ages, inexperience and the arduous fact that we had no drummer. We had gone on to win a few prizes in school competitions, until my fellow bandmates dropped music as a subject at the first chance they got, meaning they soon lost interest in composing songs or even playing for fun. I had played with my old friend Drew a few times when we had lived together, yet the younger boy had never taken our playing seriously enough for the experience to be classed as a real band-we merely did crap covers to an audience of wide eyes teddy bears when we got incredibly drunk, or when we wished to annoy our snotty neighbours.

So when Laurence snd Luke, two esteemed musicians decided to incorporate me into their new project, it isn't hard to sense my reluctance towards the entire thing, due to the fact that I had no proper experience of being in a band and probably hadn't even picked up a guitar for a year. Yet, they pushed and pushed until one day I agreed to play a few simple songs with them, hoping that the ordeal would prove to them how unworthy I was of their time. I had begrudgingly grabbed my trusty guitar from the loft, dusted it off slightly and say down with my friends to play, terrified that I would have forgotten how to play even the most simplest of chords since the last time I played. Yet, when my fingers began to pluck at the strings and whizz up and down the fret board, it became apparent my talent had not been lost, though I was a little rusty and therefore, made a few simple mistakes. The guys must have saw something in my playing, as despite my mistakes as they kept pushing me until I was back to the level I was once at, and finally agreed to join their band, never imagining that one day we would get this far, actually obtaining a manager and record label to back us. I had merely expected the band to be a bit of fun, like all my other projects had been, yet Luke and Laurence clearly had other ideas, which they soon made a reality.

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