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The Meadow sits as it always has in District Twelve. The only difference now is it's home to the lost of District Twelve. The bodies of those we lost in the war. Some of the graves are marked, but many are not. Only the graves of those claimed are marked with their name, birthday, deceased date, and a short remembrance message. Not even all those who know a loved one passed could claim their loved ones. The bombings of District Twelve left many behind, but by the time we could return the bodies were charred beyond recognition. Those bodies are the ones that lay in unmarked graves; their only remembrance the wall of names that sets along the entrance to the meadow, much like the Vietnam Wall we learned about in school. That wall honoring those who fought so long ago, now to sit the ruins of Panem's old capital city forgotten. Will the same thing happen to District Twelve's wall?

Prim's grave sits along the outer edge of the meadow along the rows of willow trees. Primroses surround the grave slightly covering it in their bloom. I sit down beside the grave, and gently move the primroses away from the headstone.

Primrose Everdeen

May 26, 2099 - October 18, 2112

"Our Little Duckling"

I sigh as the leaves of the willow trees brush against my shoulders softly. My little Prim, my little Prim is gone forever. I'll never get to see her grow up into the wonderful woman she would of become. She touched so many lives with her caring, nurturing nature. My little Prim is gone. She would have been great with children; she would have been a great mother herself. I miss her so much, my little duckling.

"Hi, my little duckling," I say softly, my hand brushing across the ground. "I know I haven't visited much in recent months, and I'm not going to make excuses because I know I would just be lying to the both of us. It's not that I was too busy to visit; it was I didn't know what to say."

I take a deep breath, "Gale came back Prim, and I know you wouldn't want to hold a grudge against him. I'm trying not to, but it's hard. I can't help but think of the what if's. I tried to give him a chance again, after all he was my best friend, but he's changed, Prim. He's not the same person I knew before. I guess I don't know what to do anymore. My life is pretty bad right now. Peeta and I aren't on the best terms right now. He thinks I'm cheating on him, but I'm not. I never meant for it to happen. Gale kissed me. I know it's not the first time we've kissed, but those other times Peeta and I weren't in a real relationship. I don't know how to talk to him. I don't know if he wants to talk to me again."

Hot tears roll down my face and I reach up to wipe them away. "See now I'm crying and you know how much I cry. I guess I might getting more emotional now though. I'm pregnant, Prim. Peeta doesn't know yet. I haven't told him; I don't know how to tell him. I love him more than I can explain. I just don't know how he'll take it, especially now that we aren't on the best terms. I don't know what to say really. How do I tell him, Prim? I wish you were really here to help me. I suppose I should just come out and tell him. I can't keep it from him forever. He's the baby's father."

The willow leaves brush against my back and I let them go this time. "In all honestly, I feel better now that I've talked to you. I know you can't speak back to me, but just knowing you're listening has helped.'

'I think the baby is a girl. I've read that you gain more weight when you're pregnant with a girl, and it would be a lie to say I haven't gained weight." I laugh, my hand resting on my belly. "I don't know what to name her . . . or him. It doesn't feel real unless I give them a name, you know. What do you think, Prim?"

The willow leaves continue brushing against me softly, tickling my exposed skin. "Willow," I say softly. "Or Will for a boy." I smile, knowing Prim has shown me in her own way her thoughts. "Thank you for everything. I love you, Prim. I'll take Willow or Will to visit you when Peeta and I can. We'll never forget you our little duckling."

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