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You and Draco were in Charms, wasting your day away. Since the first challenge of the Triwizard tournament was coming up, no one could keep an attention span for longer than six seconds. So Professor Flitwick let you play games in class but since you and Draco didn't want to play, you just sat at your desks talking with each other.

That is, until Seamus Finnigan came up to you.

"Hey (Y/N)." he said to you with a smile on his face. You turned your head to smile at him. Draco just gave him a rather intense glare.

"Hi Seamus." you said, "What's up?"

"Well..." he trailed off as he sat on top of a desk in front of you. "I just got tired of playing games with everyone, so I thought I'd come talk to you!"

"Oh, well that's nice of you." you smiled and leaned forward slightly.

"Well, I can't just have a pretty girl sitting by herself, now can I?" he winked at you and bit his lip. You blushed and giggled nervously.

"She's not sitting by herself." Draco sneered.

Seamus ignored him. "Y'know, I really don't understand why you're still single. Any guy would really be lucky to have you."

You blushed even more. "Thanks Seamus.."

Draco watched how you reacted to Seamus's advances. God, he wanted nothing more than to throw him out the window. Who did he think he was, flirting with you? Draco should be the one making you blush and giggle and smile shyly, not this asshole.

"You're right. Any guy would be lucky to have her." Draco slung an arm over your shoulder and you turned to give him a confused look.

Seamus looked over to Draco, clearly annoyed. "Aw c'mon Malfoy. Can't I flirt with a beautiful girl without being driven away by the likes of you?"

"No." Draco told him with a straight face.

Seamus snorted and chuckled a bit, turning to you. "When you're ready to go out with someone who isn't a twat, come find me." He winked and walked away.

Your eyes widened as he walked away, then you turned to Draco. "Are you okay? What was that about?"

Draco took his arm off of you and crossed his arms, staring at the floor. "Nothing."

"Hey, don't leave me in the dark. Tell me." you pushed his arm slightly.

He kept his gaze to the floor before facing the front, biting the inside of his lip. Then he turned to you.

"I just didn't like that he flirted with you." ,he said calmly, "That's all."

You pulled your eyebrows together in confusion. "Why not? Seamus is a nice guy."

He let out a snort and shook his head. How could you not see it?

"Not when he's flirting with you he isn't."

You raised your eyebrows. Suddenly you understood. "Draco...are you jealous?"

His eyes locked onto yours and he kept his gaze there a bit before answering, "Yes."

"Why?" you asked shyly, although you had an idea as to where this was heading.

"Because I like you." his gaze turned to follow Seamus on the other side of the room, he was talking to Dean, glancing over to you every so often.

"And it pisses me off that he talks to you like that and it can make you smile and blush and shit. I should be doing that..." he muttered that last sentence.

Your eyes widened and your heart rate picked up slightly. You shyly looked at him before leaning forward and pecking him on the cheek.

He turned to look at you, shock and disbelief covering his face. His heart must've accelerated faster than it ever had before. Had you really just done that?

You quickly looked away and folded your hands together in your lap, your gaze hitting the floor. Your shyness was starting to get the best of you.

"I like you too..." you said softly.

He smiled before scooting closer to you and landing an arm around your shoulders and using his other hand to cover the ones on your lap.

He kissed you on the cheek back.

You turned to look at him and he stared at you with love in his eyes before kissing your forehead and pulling you into him to cuddle. You settled against his chest and let him wrap his arms around your waist, his hands coming to meet at your stomach. You smiled and looked up at him, causing him to look down at you.

No words were exchanged as you stared at each other, but you both knew that you felt the same way about each other and right now, you couldn't be any more happier.

He pressed his lips to yours in a loving kiss and stayed there before pulling away and resting his chin on your head, a big smile overtaking his face. He smirked at Seamus, who was glaring at Draco and shaking his head before reluctantly joining in on the next round of the game everyone was playing.

He pecked your cheek one more time before resting his cheek on your head and closing his eyes. He had never been any more happier than he was right now, and it was going to stay that way for a long time.

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