Us or Her

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Draco was frightened out of his mind. He knew this was something he wanted to do, he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, but he didn't expect that telling his parents would be this hard.

Y'know, telling his parents he was going to marry you. His Muggle-born girlfriend.

Asking your parents for permission was simple enough, though he was still afraid of rejection. However, it went along very smoothly. Your parents really loved Draco, they couldn't picture you with anyone else. In fact, they didn't want to! So when he asked them for their permission to marry you, they said yes without a second thought. And later than night, he proposed to you during your family's Christmas party with it being videotaped by your cousin.

That was the easy part.

The hard part, unfortunately, was telling his parents, who didn't like you to begin with. Just because of the fact that you were Muggle-born.

So here you both were now, having tea with his parents and about to tell them of an important milestone that happened in your lives.

"Father, Mum...we have something to tell you." Draco let out nervously.

Lucius Malfoy put down his teacup and his eyes darted directly towards you, giving you a nasty look.

"What is it, son?", he asked, still keeping his focus on you.

You gulped nervously. Maybe it would've been better if you two hadn't said anything...

"Um, well, as you know, (Y/N) and I have been together for a very long time now-"

"Oh we know." Narcissa Malfoy said with a hint of annoyance to her tone.

"-for almost three years now," Draco continued, shooting his mother a look, "and I love her very much."

"Get on with it, boy." Lucius nearly spit out.

He took your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours, holding it firmly. "We're getting married."

Lucius and Narcissa's eyes widened in shock and horror. How could their son do this to them?

"No." Lucius said firmly. "This is not happening. I will not allow it."

Draco kept a hard gaze on the both of them. "It doesn't matter if you don't allow it, (Y/N) and I are not under your control. We are both adults in love and living on our own, and we are going to get married."

Narcissa covered her hand with her mouth, clearly shocked. Then she turned to look at you.

"You!" she pointed a finger at you, "You wicked Mudblood. You did this! You corrupted our Draco!"

You were about to say something when Draco stood up, with his hand still in yours.

"Don't call her that!", he said rather harshly.

Lucius stood up this time. "Don't talk to your mother like that."

Draco said nothing but Lucius continued on, "You marrying someone of her blood status will bring great shame on your family! Our name will be laughed at for future generations to come because of her! Is that what you want?"

"That won't happen. Because I won't raise our kids like how you raised me." Draco said with a straight face.

Lucius gaped at him. Was this really happening? Did Draco really just say what he thought he said?

He clasped his hands together and placed them in front of him. "Fine then. If you choose to marry her, you will no longer wear the Malfoy name. You will be cut off from the family."

Draco's face turned into one of shock as did yours. Your heart rate picked up and your gaze was now fixated on your lap. Lucius was serious, there was no denying that.

You stood up. "Draco, maybe we should re-think this..."

Draco looked to you. "No, I'm not re-thinking this. I love you and you love me. We stick together, remember?"

He turned to his father. "I can't believe you're making me choose between you and my fiance."

Narcissa squeaked. "This is for the best. We can't have a Mudblood in the family."

"Stop calling her that! She's not a Mudblood, she's my fiance." Draco said, agitated.

"Come on, give her a chance! You barely know her!" Draco continued.

"You don't bring her around." Lucius said calmly.

"Because you hate her!" Draco said incredulously.

This is when you spoke up. "Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, with all due respect...I love your son."

Everyone turned to look at you. You gulped and spoke again.

"I know you don't like me much because of my blood status, and you think I'm some sort of horrible person, but you must know that that's not what I am. I'm so much more than just a Muggle and if you took the time to get to know me rather than going off of a racial prejudice you've carried with you since birth, you'd see that I'm not so bad."

Draco smiled at you and wrapped his arms around your waist from behind.

You continued on. "I really really, really love Draco. He's everything I could've wanted in a man and more. He truly is the perfect one for me and I wouldn't have it any other way. Please, give me a chance. You won't regret it."

Lucius and Narcissa sat back and thought about it. To be fair, they hadn't taken the time to get to know her since Draco brought you home and told them you were a Muggle. And to be honest, they hadn't thought of you as anything more than a "Mudblood". It was kind of ridiculous how they let a stupid racial prejudice get in the way of meeting their son's love of his life.

Finally, Narcissa stood up. She stared at you for a minute before slowly walking over to you and slowly pulling you in for a hug. You were surprised as she hugged you, but nevertheless, you hugged back.

She pulled away and smiled slightly. "Forgive me, dear. I really do apologize."

You smiled at her. She smiled back, "Welcome to the family."

She turned to her husband. "Lucius, come say hello to our future daughter-in-law."

Lucius eyed you for a bit before getting up and standing in front of you.

He sighed heavily. Then opened his arms for an awkward hug. "Welcome to the family."

You smiled and hugged him and when he pulled away, he was actually smiling at you for the first time.

Draco beamed and hugged his parents, then went over to kiss you in front of them.

He broke away and pulled back to get a good look at you. "God, I love you."

You giggled. "I love you too."

He pulled you towards him and you two spent the rest of the day chatting with his parents and allowing them to get to know you more.

That day was truly a miracle.

Draco Malfoy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now