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"Give it back, Malfoy!" You shouted, trying to snatch your notebook back that Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle stole. You ran around the Potions classroom trying to get it (thankfully, Professor Snape wasn't in the classroom yet). No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't seem to get it back.

Finally, Professor Snape walked in, and you froze in panic. "Miss (Y/L/N), I suggest that you sit down before I give you detention" Said Professor Snape. You lowered your head and sat down in your seat. Draco sat down next to you since you two were partners in that class.

"Give me my notebook, Malfoy" You muttered angrily

"Or what?" He retaliated.

You stomped your foot onto his, and a grin appeared on your face as he let out a squeal of pain. Of course, your notebook ended up in front of you.

Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle teased you all the time. For example, they made fun of you last week for being shy. You were a Slytherin, but not a snobby, pureblood. Yes, you were shy, but you were kind to others, and you were never mean to anyone.

Except Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle.

You hated being partners with Draco. Because that meant he only got to tease and make fun of you more. He always had to argue about who did what and about the ingredients that went in the potion.

Finally, class ended, and you couldn't wait to leave. You grabbed your bag and began making your way to the door. You almost made it out until Goyle stuck out his leg and tripped you, causing you to fall on the ground and your books to scatter everywhere. The rest of your classmates laughed and simply walked out of the classroom without helping, including Professor Snape.

You sighed and began picking your books and putting them back into your bag. Crabbe and Goyle walked over, about to say something, but Draco quickly cut them off, saying "I'll deal with her". They both walked out. You put the final book in your bag and stood up, trying to get out of the classroom.

But Draco quickly stopped you by pushing you up against the wall. Your eyes became wide and your cheeks turned a dark shade of red; you and Draco's faces were merely centimeters apart.

"Let go of me, Malfoy" You squeaked, looking up at him.

"I don't think I will" He said.

Before you could say anything else, Draco crashed his lips into yours. Your eyes widened. Your mind raced with questions. But, you kissed him back.

No matter how many times Draco teased you, you always came back to liking him. You've always had a huge crush on him that never went away.

He pulled away and you gazed into his eyes. "I thought you didn't like me" You said, still breathless from the kiss.

Draco gave you a smirk. "Surprise" He said and kissed you again. 

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