The Battle for Signal

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Here I go again. I had a lot of writers block for Jaune's Fall from Grace. So this is the product of me wanting to write more RWBY stuff.

"INCOMING!" A soldier screamed as in the sky was blanketed in aircraft. The Golden forces of GDI make a move to crush a Nod Forward Operating Base. His location balled up in smoke as the corpses of the three men were bundled together.

"Someone get those rockets in the sky NOW!" The same soldier shouted toward his squad. A dozen soldiers in black clothes hunkered down from the enemy fire that searing lead to claim their lives.

"But Sir, there's enemy snipers in the area." A voice shouted back. When he raised his head, a burst of red emanated from his face. The body dropped to the floor as a recruit claimed his weapon as he bled out. For those soldiers, they had more bodies than weapons to wield them.

"This building is going to collapse if this fire keeps up!" Another soldier protested.

A platoon of militia fighters gathered in the defense of the base using several buildings as cover for the attack. There was nothing but infantry units to act as the defense as the GDI was on the move. Tanks, APCs, and other enemy squads made it past the laser fields and had killed of the Raider teams were wiped out.

The end was coming in for the men hiding in the buildings. Talk of the GDI wants to use the Orbital Ion Cannon to attack the base when they breach the final defenses. The Ion Cannon is a giant laser at the orbit of the planet that rains a focused laser to wipe out entire legions of Nod forces.

"More Gladiator Tanks rolling up!" The same soldier shouted as she lowered her head down. The sniper fire softened up. Must be because of that the tanks will collapse the buildings with explosive shells.

"Take your weapons and prepare for the end people, these GDI oppressors won't crush our spirit!" The Nod CO shouted to hopefully rally the militia forces. "Get those RPGs up and prepare to fire at those vehicles." The CO ordered.

"We got it." One of the soldiers replied as he shouldered his RPG. The red paint of Nod to show who they fight for.

"Come I, does anyone hear us?" A feminine voice called on the comms of the soldiers.

"This is Militia seven, who is this?"

"This is Blake of your local Shadow Team. We're coming in from the sky in the west. Provide some cover and we can clear the rooftops of those snipers." The voice ordered.

"We hear you." A voice responded instead of the CO. He walked up to the soldiers with the RPGs and walked out of the room they were holed up in. The soldier nodded to his comrades as several of them rallied behind him.

"I didn't tell you to move!" The CO shouted.

"I'm not dying here, that Shadow Team needs us." The soldier replied. His hair was of a golden blonde and was part of several skirmishes. He was new of three months ago. His name is Jaune Arc, militia grunt. The Brotherhood needs this base to make a move toward having a secure supply line to the city of Signal.

"We're with you Jaune." A soldier nodded to him. He was of the Nod missile squads. The missile teams were given red uniforms to frighten the GDI forces. It just told the enemy squads who to fire at.

"We better move, how far are you Shadows?"

"About four minutes out. We can see the buildings of where you are. None of the GDI radar sees us yet." Blake responded. The Shadow Teams were the stealth saboteurs of the Brotherhood of Nod. They have specially designed wing suits to fly across the fields of battle to get in and out of situations.

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