The Transfer

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The militia base was put on edge since most the soldiers there knew how bad the Black Hand could be. They were the Brotherhood's elite, as the ones with the best equipment and arguably the faction that anyone in the yellow zones don't want to piss off. Jaune knew this from a year earlier when he was under the command of a Nod Confessor.

Saxton was his name. During a small infantry skirmish, Saxton led his group of soldiers into a GDI ambush of snipers. Half the squad was killed, while only 4 were unharmed, and the rest were wounded.

Saxton was so consumed with the thought of an early victory he stood up and a clean shot through his visor and toppled over the moment the firefight started. The ones who were alive was Jaune himself and Cardin Winchester. The two of them took charge to get the wounded out the place. In the chaos, Cardin was shot in the shoulder and didn't notice it until the squad made it back to base.

As much as Jaune disliked the Black Hand... without them, he wouldn't have met one of his trusted friends, Cardin. They knew how terrible the Black Hand could be, so it was up to Jaune and Cardin to get the militia better off than before. That meant better training, serious drills, and no more swamp tactics that only left a lot of people dead.

Cardin accepted the role as instructor as Jaune focused on several logistical aspects as well as the moves for the militia to take. The two didn't feel any resentment about it either.

Jaune walked out of the medical tent and spotted Iona heading toward him.

"What we got?" Jaune asked Iona.

"The people in key members in Patch know of the Black Hand coming and hid the Faunus in the emergency bunkers. Several supplies that could be spared are being stockpiled in a warehouse that Twitch is overseeing. The people know of it and the church is ready to hose a false sermon of Nod preaching."

"Great. What of the militia?"

"We're getting ourselves together. If the Black Hand want to destroy Patch, we're ready for a fight. The mayor is prepared to issue an evacuation if it comes to that."

"Great work. Just check up on the garage to see if they need help."

"Yes sir." Iona nodded to jog off.

Jaune continued to walk toward his main tent so he could get some documentation of his current orders which were outdated since the Signal battle as well as records of the militia tried to contact the Brotherhood since. Once every three days. It was a countermeasure to make it so that this militia doesn't come off as negligent to the Brotherhood.

The reason why Jaune had to hide the Faunus people, was because they're physically more capable than regular people. Their instincts and skills were highly sought after. However Nod, don't just accept the Faunus, but rather use them as the better soldiers in the war with GDI. Some would fall victim to the Tiberium experiments Nod loves to do. The lives of Faunus were that they were a prize in the war, but a terrible one. Jaune hated it but he allowed Faunus to be part of the militia by their choice.

In the Blue Zones, there is still some racism toward the Faunus. So it didn't work out for them in the long run. Patch was a place of equality and human/Faunus rights. That includes keeping the young Faunus safe from Nod's clutches.

Jaune shook his head as bug flew near his nose. He looked back to see the base.

Every plan came together as he organized it. Jaune felt at ease to see the people work like clockwork in preparation. So he continued with part of the plan, to help those who needed it.

27 minutes later

"I see them. There are 3 Venomcrafts than 2." A militia soldier stated as she lowered her binoculars.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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