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"Did you hear about what happened in Signal?" A soldier in a red and black uniform asked. It had the scorpion stinger on the left shoulder. Below it was a single black arrow that pointed downward. She was a private of the Nod forces. The soldier looked to her right to another guard. The two walked along the black metal fence that couldn't offer much protection.

"That the Nod successfully repelled the GDI?" Her guard partner responded.

"Yeah, apparently GDI had to pull out because of the Infernals." The woman said as she looked out toward the hillside completely covered in green, but not from grass or trees. It was nothing but hazel glow of Tiberium.

"Really? So no wonder they pulled out." The girl watched out as the crystals glowed in the evening view.

"No, that was the Militia before the Infernals." The partner retorted.

"Militia?" She scoffed. "Did they have an official commander?"

"I don't know, but if I had to guess, I would assume that a Black Hand officer assumed control. The only way it would seem possible." The partner shrugged as he readjusted his grip on his assault rifle. The two started to ramble on about some other daily events that didn't have to much relevance to the never-ending war.

With the red lines that formed a circle, which encased the set of soldiers that stood two hundred yards away. The man looked away and the two started to walk along the fence. Unaware of the potential bullet that could end him.

"I counted 7 guards on patrol. No counter snipers from what I can tell..." A feminine voice pointed out in a calm tone.

"I counted 9, there's two more by the Tiberium field." A second feminine voice added. She however sounded much younger.

"Hold on." The first voice adjusted her view and looked through her binoculars. She could see the soldiers look around. The militia might be what makes the majority but Nod still uses official soldiers.

"You know I could pick them off." The second voice said as she adjusted her scope.

"Ruby, we're thirty kilometers away from the closest form of extraction..." The first voice slowly moved her binoculars away from her eyes. She was of silver hair tied back in a ponytail at shoulder length. Her uniform was of a black and slightly blue. The upper body was black while the shoulders were stitched with blue. Her light blue eyes narrowed at her partner.

"What? You know I can, Weiss." The one named Ruby looked away from her sniper rifle. Her hair was of a crimson and cut short while her eyes were of pure silver. Her uniform matched in the black but her uniform was of red instead of blue.

"Come on, we did our recon. Come on, Command ordered us to head on back." Weiss said a she pulled away from the view that overlooked the Nod depot.

This depot housed a small refinery and stored the shipment of the crystals for a Nod convoys to take back to their operations centers. The difference however, was that Nod equipped War Rigs that were basically rolling fortresses with armaments that could kill Paladin tanks and infantry with ease. The only method to weaken the Nod infrastructure was to hit the refineries. It's just that this one, is one of the lesser protected sites.

Ruby spotted something in the distance. "Hold up." Several trucks pulled into the Refinery with the Nod insignia on it. Weiss looked through her binoculars.

Several soldiers of the black crest and red outlines showed themselves as they walked out. One of them was a woman.

Kik klak!

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