It's Time for a Hunt!

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The horizon beamed an orange glow as the sun as about to set in several hours. Several GDI transport trunks were on the narrow highway in the town of Patch Yellow Zone. The people here have harsh wind and the landscape which yields a small portion of food. It was a mundane existence if you ask a daily resident of the area.

Tonight however, the meal will be different. This GDI convoy is that of a supply run, no ammunitions, just food. It was the way of the area to take what you can in hopes of seeing a tomorrow. Jaune didn't like it but he buckled himself on a Heavily Armored Dirt bike. It was called the "Quickstrike" Mark IIIs by the Nod forces as it was a modified vehicle for rapid combat and can endure several bits of punishment from the enemy. Not ideal in full blown assaults but ideal in the open landscapes.

The red pain glistened off the sunlight. Jaune looked to his right. There stood five vehicles that chose to follow him to this region. The trucks were fat meal tickets ripe for the taking. Jaune looked to his left.

"What we got?" He asked a fellow militia soldier. He was in his late teens and had the official Nod makeshift uniform jacket. His name was Sky Lark. He was at the battle of the Signal ruins with Jaune that happened three weeks earlier. The size of soldiers that followed Jaune out was a dozen soldiers, now forty soldiers joined Jaune on the adjusting themselves to fight GDI out in the Deadlands.

"There are four trucks in total. The armed escorts are two APCs, one Paladin Tank, and two Pitbulls." Sky Lark looked out the same area as Jaune. The GDI CC 6 Pitbulls, the current fastest vehicle of the GDI commissioned forces. The Pitbull are basically small cars with good traction, decent armor plating, and can fire standard rockets.

The current force Jaune had was three commandeered Dune Buggies with customized sleet plating and turrets, along with seven Quickstrikes, and four ATVs to carry two people each. The ATVs were the one thing capable for Jaune to claim the trucks because the ATVs would carry soldiers with RPGs to knock out the enemy armored units. It was all they had.

"Rally the militia, we're rolling out." Jaune ordered. He leaned back and pressed the data pad of the Quickstrike to start the engine.

"We're going for it! Ready UP!" Sky Lark shouted toward the vehicles."

The remaining militia forces scrambled to their rides and the Rocket troops shouldered their RPGs and sprinted to the ATVs. Each of the machines had their engines roar alongside each other.

Jaune adjusted his biker's helmet. "Communications check, mark!"

"Sync!" The Raider Buggies replied.

"Sync!" The ATV drivers said into their helmets.

"Sync, now let's go for a hunt!" The Quickstrike biker replied as the twisted his bike around to be alongside Jaune's bike.

"Follow me, staggered line, no one drives off otherwise we lose the surprised you get me!?" Jaune looked toward the Quickstrike bikers.

"We hear you."

Jaune looked away and drove his bike in the lead as the other vehicles followed closely behind.

"Buggies, you two head toward the left and see if you can keep those APCs busy, Two bikers, circle around a kilometer ahead and head toward the convoy, wait for my signal, and you ATVs bring up the rear, once we have them distracted, you go for the Paladin, knock it out of the fight, kill it if you can. Do you read?" Jaune adjusted his bike to make a hard right. The Raiders rallied behind him.

"We got it." The Buggy spoke for its partner. The vehicles all zoomed off to claim the hunt.

It took about ten minutes with the vehicles kicking up dust to have the convoy in sight.

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