The Cupid Project: Procedure (iv)

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Italics: CupidBold+Italics: Seth~*~

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Italics: Cupid
Bold+Italics: Seth

Cups? You there?


It's awkward. She doesn't seem to know what to say.

Then you start the conversation.

But even I don't know what to say.

Try anything. Something about school, or Greg, or Bella.

Then what?

Why don't you do this much first?

Don't go anywhere. I might need your help.

My job description should be changed to 'Cupid; 24 hour service.'


Where'd you go?

I'm here. I was just wondering if I should ask her about her scar.

Her scar?

Yeah, the one on her neck. How do you figure she got it? I just saw it.

Do you mean to tell me that she's sitting next to you and you're texting me?

Did you not realise that I was on a date? Where else would she be?

I thought you were in the men's or something.

No, she's right here.

Talk to her, you idiot.

But even she's on the phone, why don't you go and call her an idiot?

She'll stop as soon as you speak.

So should I like, clear my throat?

You can do that.

Or should I cough?

Just do it.

Which one? The throat clearing or coughing.




Hey guys! (A long A/N lies ahead)

I read all your comments and yes, I reached home safely. It's so cool to know I have so many people who care. The only reason I haven't been able to reply to all your comments is because it's impossible. I have four published books, and with all the comments I get, it's not possible for me to reply to all of them. I get an email when anyone comments though, so I always read your comments, even though I might not reply.

Secondly, about their ship name. I have one question, especially for @johelisaaaaaaa, Are you absolutely sure that Cups is who you think she is? Cause otherwise there is no point.

A big fat thank you to all of these people who nominated this story in the Fiction Awards- @naimaarbab @AlyceMae
@Laughterism @geekchick2000 @Watermelongirl24 @lifeofajournist @Niitya02 @L96887
@NaLulikeJelly @bookbee109 @JasminAMiller and @STcrazy. Thank you all so much!

Okay, so updates just might get a little bit irregular cause I'm really getting busy with school and it is now difficult for me to update from my phone. I dropped it and now it has stopped functioning properly. Whenever I type, half the words are not recognised and I'm a fast typer so I get really irritated. If by chance I don't catch the error, so many words get omitted and it makes zero sense. Which means that I'll have to update from my laptop, which might cause a little delay.

Last of all, 80K reads! That's a lot. I know this turned out to be a long author's note, so sorry.

Keep guessing about Cups.
Love you all!

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