A deadly deal

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This is the story of how I got my super-powers. Unlike most other people my end was my beginning It all started one day when I was 10 years old. A villain by the name The Dark Lord came to my house and set it aflame. My mom, grandma, and brother got outside fine, but I was less lucky for you see The Dark Lord sent a lackey to find information on my house. He saw me right next to the window sleeping. The Dark Lord attacked the next night at midnight. I was the first and the last to fall, but only because I made a deal with death that fateful night so long ago. I was dreaming when I felt the flames slowly creep across my body, but it didn't take long to find out what happened, even less to know I've gone. When I died my spirit was transferred to the dimension we live on. I was wandering why that happened when I saw him, none other than the god of death, Hades. By now I knew what had happened and walked on over to Hades to see what he wanted. 

"Why did you pick me when there must millions more to choose from if you don't mind me asking god of death? If you don't mind." I asked carefully as I sat down afraid of the answer.

"I need someone to go to other dimensions and help out there", he explained as he sat down, "You get dreams of death which is a way to see the deaths of potential allies days, weeks, or months in advance and track them down and help them out, after you see them die in your dreams of course."

"Okay I am going to take you up on your offer, but controlling fire can be really dangerous can you send someone who can counteract my powers like ice or water?" I said warming up to the idea.

"That was the next thing I was going to say, a pair of death-twins that go by The Freezer Twins. They will help you with your quest." Hades said as he looked around at the house still on fire and the Death-eaters high in the sky. Then he looked at me like he was about to do something he will regret. "If you don't have any more questions I think we have a deal." He spoke as he stood up and held out his hand.

(Angelic here, sorry if this was a bit short.....I'm trying to write stories...or more like different parts in one long story following the main character at different points in her quest to defeat the dark lord....who I honestly need a name for just besides the title he uses. And I know I didn't name the main hero yet....it's because there was no real reason to tell her name yet..... she doesn't honestly be named to move the plot along. Anyways.....I hope you guys like it......)

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