More than meets the eyes

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"May we please go inside now? The fire kid who didn't tell me her name burned through her to clothes."  oh I didn't.? I need to fix that.

"Sorry, my name is Angel nice to meet you Justice,I mean Justin." crap did he catch that? I hope not, and he did.

"What song were you singing there Angel" we were going into the house at that moment and my tradteris hearth skipped a beat {again}, but did I hear his breath catch? "Wow, no wander your name is Angel, because you are beautiful." I was blushing at that one, and giggled GIGGLED!?

"Me? You are the one who looks like a Roman god!"  It was true with that red-brown hair, green-blue eyes with flekes of gold, charming good looks and sculpted body, he looks better than Price Charming.

"Angel come get some clothes on." my mom said just as she walked into the room and looked in at us and said "I think Angel has a boyfriend, I can't wait to embarrass her." to my brother who looked at us as if he could not believe it.

"I will talk to him as she changes." Mike said as he looked at me with not sorry eyes.

"Okay no freezing anyone, I am not sure if I could thaw someone out and they live after." I said looking at everyone before I went to go change. When I got to my room I saw that nothing was buried in fact it was brand new right down to the teddy bears on the bed.{I sleep with stuffed animals okay}But when I got closer I saw a small, nicely stacked pile of clothes on the bed that looked like it matched the black boots beside it perfectly. When I went to put it on I saw a small note on top. I picked up the note and read it said:

Dear Angel,

If you are reading this it means that you got out of god mode somehow, and you probably are super mad that I did not tell you that that might happen. But to make it up to you I got you fireproof clothes and made your two teddy bears fireproof so if you actually summon fire in the middle of the night they will not burn.

Sincerely Hades.

Interesting, so Hades feels remorse for me? Okay no time to wander about that I have to get dressed and get out there to make sure they are still alive. When I dressed went to the bathroom to see what I look like. As I walked in there and looked in the mirror I saw what Justin was talking about. I look completely different, with long golden-brown hair down to my waist. Wait, hold up I look like I did at 5 years old, but taller and my eyes? O.M.G. Wait did my eyes change color again? It did this is so cool. Okay blue must be happy, black scared, red mad. Okay I should go out there now before something bad happens.


Hey guys Angelic here....I just wanted to thank the people who read this....and if i could maybe get some feedback that would be great.... I'm honestly trying this writing thing out because i think i want to be a writer in the furter...idk how to spell that corretly.....anyways.... I'm just hoping that this pans out....

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