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  Weiss walked out of the schools doors, she heard a small whisper, she couldn't make it out fully, but she looked around, it was dark and rainy, the broken shiny moon light up the world, she smelt the air taking in the smell of gun powered and cookies, she looked right to left, she narrowed her eyes at a figure, she looked at the figure closely, she saw the bright eyes from the black haired women named Cinder, Her blueish white eyes followed the black haired women as she watched her run off, she went to go after her but she stepped in something wet and a bit sticky, she looked down to see small pools of blood, she followed the pools of blood, her eyes widen as she looked down, she covered her mouth slowly, she started to get little tears in her eyes, she started to feel a pain in her heart, she felt her heart break into millions of pieces, she slowly dropped to her knees, getting her white skirt covered in blood, she felt her stomach drop and disappear, she uncovered her mouth and nose, she took in the smell of gun powered and cookies, she slowly watched the lifeless body twitch a bit, she picked the body up, she felt the rain get harder, Weiss saw the cold tears hit the cold body, she moved the red cape that covered her left eye, she gasped weakly to see a bloody bullet hole in Ruby's left eye, she started to cry harder as she went to grab Ruby's hand softly, but she felt a small box, she grabbed the box and opened it slowly to show a ring, she started to cry even more as she held onto Ruby's lifeless body, she slipped on the ring as she picked up Ruby's body, she looked up to hear a scream and Yang, she looked at Ruby and softly said " I love you too...Hah... hey Ruby I got a cookie..." she tried to make Ruby smile but she started to cry even harder as she kissed Ruby's forehead then her blood covered lips, she looked at Yang who was crying her eyes out, she looked over next to Yang to find Blake who was crying as while, she smiled as she cried " Come on guys we need to wake her up with cookies" Weiss couldn't accept the fact that the love of her life was gone, she kept trying to make Ruby's lifeless and cold body smile or laugh at least  

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