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Okay, so I don't think my last thank you an did the justice that I wanted it to.

I didn't  expect this book to get 10 reads, let alone 100, let alone 1000, let alone 2.5k?? That's mental. Now, I know there's phanfictions out there with 1.5M reads or more, thousands of votes, hundreds of comments on each chapter, but I love our Unread Messages community. I am grateful for every vote and every, single read. If I could hug all of you, I would, but the next paragraph explains why I can't.

I was looking at the stats of what gender ect read my book (most of you are teen girls ayee but I have 5 male readers? thanks!!) ((show yourselves)) and I read that my most common readers are from America and the UK!! 37% each! Then I have readers from Canada, Australia, Italy, Spain, even Sweden!? I'm obsessed with Sweden so please tell me who you are!

I'm so grateful that people all around the world of many different ages are reading my books and thank you so much for supporting my writing!

Love you guys so much!!

Also, if you're feeling low (hopefully not high  but your choice) or even just want to say hello, I am completely open to inboxes because I love internet friends. I don't mind if you just pop up and say 'guess what Johnathon did this time?' and I'll be like 'honey what's he done this time' because I'm strange like that.

Anyway, enough of that because you get the message,

just remember to stay dazzling.

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