Chapter 8: 1st Impression.... (part 1)

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I was having a writer's block...

Ciel: That's what you get for staying up too late at night...

Elizabeth: well at least you updated...

Kira: And welcome back TWINNEH!!

SK: Thankies twinneh!!


SK: Calm down dude sheesh...


~~Stariette's POV~~

" EH?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? FUJIOKA?!?!?!?!?!" The whole class shouted in pure shock.

Not minding their horrid yells that almost making me a deaf, I continued smiling at them.

"Any questions before Miss Fujioka sit down?" The teacher told the whole class.

Some raised their hands. This should be interesting. I should read their minds first before picking the right and appropriate ones to answer. I scanned the whole room, Then I tried to memorize their names...

I gestured a girl named Ayame.

" Why do you look like some British or American, and while Haruhi is Japanese looking?" She asked while looking at me and Haruhi.

"To answer that Ayame, I am actually from England. And Haruhi's family adopted me." I told her with a warm smile, I am not telling them about Eris yet.

The girl was stunned. Not only because of my answer, but the fact that I knew her First name. I mean, it is crazy, that someone knew her name even it's their first time seeing or knowing me. 

 I gestured to a boy named Aki.

"Why are you wearing a girl version of the Ouran's Official school uniform?" He asked me while looking me from head to toe.

"Aki, we cannot actually afford the expensive, fine clothing of these delicate women. Rather than buying these clothing, I made my own uniform using my brother's uniform as an example. I made my own using cheap fabric. I asked the principal about it and he agreed. And for the Official patch of the Ouran Academy, I made it with a permission from the Principal." I told him.

And again he is stunned. Same reason of the first one who asked me. I hear some "ooh" and "ahh" from my new classmates. Are they amazed that some 'commoner' can do those type of things?
They really are spoiled. Me, myself a filthy rich fine lady, Can even do such simple task.

I gestured to a guy named Hideki.

"Are you single? You are not engage right?" He asked with hearts in his eyes.

Ugh, Guys these days. It is clearly rude to ask someone if they are single or not, especially if both of you are total strangers.

" I am single Hideki. And no, I  am not engaged." I smiled at him.

The whole classroom roared. Where is their 'high-class atitude'? I kept my posture and smiled at my classmates. Then a certain ginger haired male raised his hand.

"yes?" I asked him.

"Can you guess-" Hikaru started.

"Which of us-" Kaoru followed.

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