Chapter 12: Sneaky Singer

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SK: Yo!
I feel very tired..
But lookie hoo! I updated!
Maybe I should update twice today....

If my brain will cooperate with me of course...


One of you flowers messaged me that what was shipbaiting really is about...
First of all, I already chose the partners of my OCs..
It is up to you guys to find out who are they...

Of course there will be a lot of moments happening between characters especially my OCs....

Alois: Now with all that cleared up, Thank you for your patience SK's Flowers...
Ready SK?

SK: Of course! Unto to the story!! MUSH!!!


~~Kira's POV~~

I combed my hair with my own hands to tame my hair a little and to fix it up. 
I am not really actually nervous, its just that I have been thinking on how should this thing turn out. Everything is fine when Eris is around. She always comfort me and assuring me that everything will be fine and when I make mistakes, she will help me fix them.

I looked myself once more in the mirror that is attached to the vanity in front of me.

'everything will turn out good I suppose.' Was my only thought.

I stood up and took the Microphone that was displayed on a victorian chair. I made my way to two big white doors to make an appearance.

But all of the sudden, I hear tapping sounds from the window behind me. I went to the window and open the curtains. And I saw a large white dog with a bag on his mouth. 

I opened the window and took the bag from his mouth and gave the dog a good pat on the head. I closed the window then sat down on a chair. I looked in the bag and saw a letter.

It's your first performance....

So why not give a great impression?...
And this will look lovely on you...


I took the clothing out of the bag and was stunned at what I saw.
It was a simple white puffy dress with silver flowers. And inside the bag is a pair of white shoes

 And inside the bag is a pair of white shoes

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