Good girl craving bad

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  • Dedicated to Megan

With straight black hair and dark eyes, Ally attracts the attention of many guys at school.

I envy her.

My hair is long, curly and chocolate brown, like my eyes. Personally I think I'm prettier. So do many others. But she's the one who has guys trailing after her. I'd rather have that than doe eyes & an awkward charm.

She snaps her dark brown fingers under my chin. I look up and face her glare.

'Are you listening to me?' She snaps. I shake my head. She rolls her eyes and says, 'Well,as I was saying...' she looks around for a second.

'I'm going on a date.'

I bolt upright. A date? I know this was pretty selfish of me, but whenever Ally had a date, a small ray of hope shone inside of me, praying that it would work out, and she could hook me up with one of his friends. But nope. Most of her dates ended with having sex with the guy then breaking up and her going on and on about how bad the guy was in bed and how small his penis was. It's quite infuriating actually, considering I haven't had sex, let alone complain about the size of some guy's privates.


As she trails on, my mind starts wandering. That happens a lot, especially when she talks about her failed sex adventures, considering how they all have the same storyline.

Yet. I want that.

I want to be the badass girl who people do shots with at random parties. I want to wear red lipstick and heels in school & not give a fuck. I want to be the girl that people know. 'Megan? She's a dope chick. Turned me down at some party though.'

I want all that.

'So anyways, I just left. And now that I think of it —'

'Ally. Shut up.'

If looks could kill. I'd be 6 feet down in a cemetry somewhere.

'Let's throw a party.'

Ally raises her eyebrows before bursting into laughter.

'You. A party? That's like me at a library.'

I shrug. 'I'm bored. Let's see how exciting this lifestyle of yours is. You throw a party & invite the hottest people you know, & I'll take you to a library.'

Ally grins. 'Alright. Sounds like a plan. I've been wanting to fuck a nerd anyways...'

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