Our 'date'?

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I looked at my iPhone.

It was white,an iPhone 4S,and the cover was turquoise, with some ying yang symbols I had drawn with a permanent marker.

It was the phone I was going to use to call Marc and tell him I agreed.

I picked it up and dialed Marc's number. He had given it to me on the day of the fair. It was written on a paper napkin covered with blue flowers. I picked it and sniffed it. It smelled like pizza and beer with a slight scent of axe cologne.

I placed the phone on the bed and rocked back and forth while clutching the napkin sniffing it every few seconds. This went on for about five minutes before my phone rang,making me jump.

I looked at the caller ID and relaxed when I realized it was Bryan.



I groaned. Not this.

'Bryan,' I pinched the bridge of my nose. 'Where the hell are you? Is there a sober person there?'

'Meeeeeggggggggiiiiieeeee,don't be shuch a prude.'

See this is why I hated drunk people.

'Im so not being a prude. I'm just being sensible and doing the righ-'

He groaned loudly. 'I just wanted to ask you a question.' He whined.

I rolled my eyes. Drunk people tended to ask extremely dumb questions.

'What is it?'

'As a girl,' oh well spotted! 'Which one do you prefer. Thongs or Panties?'

My mouth hit my necklace.

'What the hell Bryant?! Goodbye!' If I had my old phone, I would have slammed it shut,but this would have to do.

I sighed and decided to find a book to read. Not The Notebook, a no no for Jane Eyre...

My eyes fell on a thin book on the top of my shelf. I went on tip toes to pick it up.

'A Streetcar Names Desire? Seriously?' I muttered to myself. I never really understood that book. Why the hell did I take it to my room?

As I tossed it on my bed,my phone started ringing.

Rolling my eyes,afraid it would be some other drunk who managed to get my number,I picked it up and snapped a 'What?!'

'Well hello to you too.' A wry voice replied.

I blinked and glanced at the caller ID. Sure enough,it was Marc.

'S-sorry. I thought it was my drunk friend calling me.'

'Nah it's okay. I get drunk texts from horny girls all the time.'

I chuckle. This convo was going better than I thought.

'So I was wondering whether you wanted to hang out at the mall today.'

I raised my eyebrow. Was he asking me out on a date.

'Yeah. That'd be cool I guess.'

'So I'll pick you up at around 6?'

'Ok then.'

'See you later babe.'

I giggled. 'Bye.'

I glanced at the clock. It was around 5.15pm. I had 45 minutes to get ready. I crossed over to my wardrobe and looked through to see what I could wear on our 'date'.

Was it really a date?

I quickly texted Marc.

Me:' Is it a date?'

Marc:'Only if you want it to be ;).'

Flirty wink. Oh. Em. Gee.

Me:'Ok then. A date it is:) xx'

Marc:'See you later babe;)'

I blushed furiously as I tossed my phone on my bed. I looked through my wardrobe,wondering what I should wear. It was only a casual date,but it was Marc! Not an immature high schooler,but a sex god.

I rummaged through and found a pair of black skinny jeans and a gorgeous peach top. I could pair it with my black vans and it would look great.

I stripped off and walked to the shower,shaving my legs. I stepped out and felt refreshed. I picked out some black Victoria's Secret lace lingerie. I glanced at my wall clock. It was already 5.45pm.

I dressed quickly blow dried my hair,leaving it down. I applied light makeup,not wanting to look 'cake faced' like most girls as Bryan put it.

I smiled. He was a great guy,but gay. Too bad.

After another shade of nude lip gloss and some perfume,I heard my mom call me down.

'Meg! Marc is here!'

'Coming!' I hollered back.

I picked up my purse and threw in my phone,wallet and some makeup. I applied two shades of quick dry peach nail polish and added a few dots of black. It dried up in no time and I quickly went down the stairs.

Marc looked hot. He was dressed in only black pants and a black shirt,but he still looked like a Greek god.

My mom gave me a slightly disapproving stare as I walked out the door. I frowned,and she pointed towards her chest. I looked down and realized my top was kinda see through and I was wearing black lingerie,so I looked like a tramp. Crap.

Marc walked me over to his blue BMW. I sank in the front leather seat and heard my phone ringing. I rolled my eyes. It was Bryan again.

'What do you want now?'

' I seriously think you're on your period.'

'Will you stop talking about my periods?!'

'Leave my manhood alone then! Penis pump.' He muttered.

I giggled,remembering our conversation in school.

Marc was frowning at me,probably wondering who I was talking to.

'Listen Bryan. Say what ya gotta say quick. I'm going on a date.'

'What? Ok then never mind.' He muttered.

'What is it?'

'I said never mind!' I was taken aback. Bryan snapped at me?

'Hello?Bryan?' I frowned as I glanced at my phone.

He hung up on me?

'Meg?' I looked up. 'We're here.'

He opened the car door for me and I stepped out.


I smiled. Forget about Bryan. That stupid ass.



-Bryan's P.O.V.-

'Bryan, I think that's enough. We have school tomorrow.' My friend Max chuckled. I scowled.

'Screw school. I'm gonna drink so much I'll be pole dancing in some random babes lingerie.'

Max groaned. 'Thats a disturbing picture in my mind now.' I chuckle as he walks off.

I sigh to myself,wallowing in self pity. Megan.


She had straight brown hair which was slightly curly at the bottom. If you felt it,you felt like caramel was melted through your hands. Her eyes were slightly a darker shade,like ebony,and they held millions of thoughts in them.

Her skin was creamy,and soft as silk. Once when she went to Cambodia,it got bronzed and she looked like a sex god.

I blink. Why am I thinking about her? We're just friends. I mean sure I'm not gay anymore-went through that phase thank god-but still. Megan? Dating your best friend is just so cliche and most of the time in reality it doesn't go well.

I put down my drink and leave the house. We had some party and I got drunk at like 4pm? Right now it's pretty late-around eight. Chuckling to my self,I go to my black Honda and go in. I should get some coffee because that hangover is settling faster than it should be.

I groan as I rush to the mall. Seriously I'm having the mother of all headaches. Finally I manage to reach the mall. I should go to Starbucks to get some coffee. I really need it.


-Megan's P.O.V.-

'Table for two please.'

We walk into the restaurant as the waitress shows us our table. She hands us our menus and walks off.

'So do you like Nandos?'

'They make mean tacos.'

Marc smiles and raises his eyebrows.'I have to agree.'

We take our orders and start to dig in.

'So Megan,I think you know there's another reason for me asking you out,' he says,looking serious.

I bite my lip and take a deep breath as I nod my head.

'What do you say?'

'Will you promise to go easy on me?'

He nods his head. 'I'll train you if that's what you want.'

I nod again.'Yeah. That would be cool.'

He smiles.

We talk a bit more,and for desert we share a Black Forest cheesecake.

'...so basically,it's a pretty good school.' Marc finishes telling me about his college. It sounds good. I think I might wanna go there.

I'm sorry as we finish our pie. He signals the waitress and pays the bill.

We walk over to Starbucks and Marc asked me what I want.

'Um,a white chocolate mocha sounds good.'

'Okay. You wait first.'



- Bryan's P.O.V. -

So this is date guy eh?

I look him over. A womanizer,or as Megan would say, penis pump.

I smile. She's too good for that type of a guy.

'Hey Megan!' I yell in a fake happy tone.

She blinks. Her date looks over. What the hell am I doing?


Oooooohhhhh is Bryan gonna like Megan??? We shall wait and see.... Hee hee hee. And two updates in one day? Aren't y'all lucky *grumble* nah cookie loves you all *blows kisses* next update will be today or tomorrow.

P.S. I'm getting Josh Hutcherson to play Bryan. Yay:D

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